Lots of new badges on the way - Dance Fitness, new Tacx challenge and more from the Challenge Badge Badge Challenge

Update 2023-10-02

Garmin servers seems to be up and the status page says all green: https://connect.garmin.com/status/
The badges that disappeared are now back. There are reports that data logged yesterday wasn't counted to the badges. It might help if you make an edit to the logged activities and save them again.

Update 2023-10-01

Almost all badges from The Challenge Badge Badge Challenge badges have now been added. The missing ones are: Elliptical 10 and Badminton.
Not sure what happened but they have been disappeared later during the day. Maybe it was caused by the server issues Garmin had. I believe the badges will come back in a day or so after the weekend. Never a good idea to do deployments on the weekends, but I guess they wanted to get new stuff out on October 1.

Update 2023-09-27

Garmin has pulled back all the dance fitness badges from the descriptions file that I use as my source. My guess is that they were published accidently and shouldn't be known just yet.

Dance Fitness - New type!

This must be a new activity type coming. There are no dance types in Garmin Connect now. The new type should be available latest April 29 next year since there is a badge for the International Day of Dance 2024. That is pretty far into the future. Hopefully we can start to use it earlier.
I wonder how the function with songs will work: "Record a dance fitness activity with 8 songs". Maybe just press lap... A song is the same as a lap, round or pose for other types.

Here are all known coming badges for dance fitness:

Jazz Hands
Record your first dance fitness activity.

Shake It
Record 10 dance fitness activities.

In the Groove
Record 25 dance fitness activities.

Dance Diva
Record 100 dance fitness activities.

Dancing Queen
Record 200 dance fitness activities.

International Day of Dance 2024
Record a dance fitness activity on April 29, 2024.

Record a dance fitness activity with 15 songs.

Record a dance fitness activity with 8 songs.

Quick Feet 1
Get 4,000 steps in a single dance fitness activity.

Quick Feet 2
Get 5,500 steps in a single dance fitness activity.

Quick Feet 3
Get 7,000 steps in a single dance fitness activity.

Quick Feet 4
Get 8,500 steps in a single dance fitness activity.

Quick Feet 5
Get 10,000 steps in a single dance fitness activity.

New Tacx challenge 

There hasn't been any new challenges for Tacx since Garmin released that last one in April this year. Garmin is now adding a new one. Not available yet, but hopefully soon. They are usually pretty tough and you need to commit to complete them in time

Japan-Taiwan Tour
Complete the Japan-Taiwan Tour challenge in the Tacx app.

The Challenge Badge Badge Challenge badges

They will come sooner or later. Only Garmin knows when. Here is the list of those that we haven't seen yet.

Mythical Sleep
Get a sleep score of 100

Hydration Streak
Track at least 64 oz. of water intake daily for 30 consecutive days.

New Heights
Record a hiking activity with 2,000 feet of ascent.

Runner Graduate
Complete 10 workouts in a Garmin Coach training plan.

Walk Streak
Walk 1 mile in a single activity every day for 30 consecutive days.

Run Streak
Run 1 mile in a single activity every day for 30 consecutive days.

Elliptical 10
Do an elliptical activity 10 times

Disc Golf Rookie
Record a disc golf activity

Pickleball Rookie
Record a pickleball activity.

Log a badminton activity

Rise and Grind
Record an activity between 4 a.m. and 7 a.m. every day for 7 consecutive days

Arctic Swim
Record an open-water swim activity when it's 60° F (16° C) or cooler outside.

Swim Streak
Record a swim activity every day for 30 consecutive days.

Fins On
Record a swimming activity at an average pace of 2 minutes per 100 meters.

Garmin Badge Database
Garmin Connect
Change country setting


  1. For "Mixtape", they do have watches with music, so I'm wondering if they will be able to detect how many songs play during an activity.

  2. This seems awesome! Always happy for new badges and a way to record dancing is so good. Wish they'd bring out a equestrian option at some point

  3. Mythical sleep would probably be 8 point badge.

  4. Is there a generic Garmin activity for Dance, or do we have to use 3rd party app? I looked and people are setting an "other" activity for that.

    1. The dance badges are not live yet. I believe Garmin will make a big announcement about the dance fitness and also add one or more dance activity types. Maybe together with a new watch.

  5. I'm not using Chrome so thanks for the Python script, Andy

    1. Hi Andy, I can't find "extension options" to Enter username and email address for your garminbadges.com account in the extension options.

    2. @Njord. I just posted a step-by-step guide for the extension. Check it out and see if that helps.

  6. Saw all the new bagdes earlier today, but now they are pulled back again. Or is it just the outage they are reporting?

    1. Garmin still claims they are down: https://connect.garmin.com/status/
      Even if things seems to work pretty good. The new badges are still missing. Maybe they had to rollback some changes that caused server issues and by doing that the badges also disappeared...just theories.

  7. Can I please ask for clarification with the Runner Graduate badge ? It is to select a Garmin Coach Plan ( under Training Plans) which has eg 3-5 workouts/week and follow that until you have completed 10 workouts, and not completing 10 workouts under the Workouts tab ? Thanks.

    1. The description is "Complete 10 workouts in a Garmin Coach training plan.", so start a coach plan and do workouts until you get the badge. After that you can quit the plan.

  8. How does the watch track hydration? I do not find it on my Venu 2 watch.

    1. You enter it manually in Connect or the app.

  9. Hydration Streak-badge: I usually use milliliter (ml) to track hydration, but it looks like you have to use (oz). I logged 2 liter (2000 ml) two days in a row, but the badge progression showed nothing. Today I changed units to (oz), and the progression now shows 2 / 30 days.

    1. I'm logging in liters and it works for me.

    2. Nice, I changed back to (ml) and it works for me too now!

    3. Switching to oz and back to liters made my streak work as well, thanks!

    4. Hei e7andy. Still not working hydration Streak-badge. A change for oz than back to ml and still nothing. Thank you

    5. Thank you @e7andy. I uninstall app,and reinstall it and now its working lol. I have one more question...How i get badge a sleep score of 100...i have fenix 5x. Thank you for all helps that you doing for us.

    6. @Dejan. Great that it works!
      You need a watch that supports sleep score. Fenix 5x doesn't. Read more here: https://support.garmin.com/en-US/?faq=DWcdBazhr097VgqFufsTk8

    7. @e7andy thank you very much for all.

  10. Die Hydration Streak funktioniert bei mir auch nicht ganz gestern stand 2/30 und heute null geb es zwar auch manuell ein aber anscheinend funktioniert es nicht richtig mit dem zählen Andi, mit Liter ging es 2 Tag jetzt nicht mehr. Anscheinend zählen doch nur die 60oz

    1. Bei mir tut es entweder mit Liter oder Oz. Ich hatte ähnliches Phänomen heute morgen gesehen, dann habe ich den App neu gestartet und war 3/30. Kannst du auch den App neu starten und schauen ob es tut.

    2. Ja funktioniert nach dem ich auf oz gestellt habe und die App neu gestartet habe @Sunil

  11. Anyone already got fins on badge? I did swim activity today with average pace of 1:46/100m but it was not awarded. I found same issues somewhere on reddit. Does the pace have to be exactly 2:00/100? That would be quite hard to get...

  12. Rise and Grind Bug: When you first hit day 7 (for me was on a Sunday) , you are awarded the badge AND it counts that day towards the next 7 consecutive days, so you will earn it again 6 days later (on Saturday, in this example).

    1. Yes, that badge has a bug. I can confirm it.


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