March 2024 - Challenges and Badges

Join the March challenges now in Garmin Connect.

Three month challenges - Stage 1

Last month for stage 1!

2024 Running - Stage 1
Join this challenge and record 300 kilometers (186.42 miles) of running activities from January 1 to March 31.

2024 Walking - Stage 1
Join this challenge and record 91 miles (146.5 km) of walking activities from January 1 to March 31.

2024 Cycling - Stage 1
Join this challenge and record 675 kilometers (419.43 miles) of cycling activities from January 1 to March 31.

Full month challenges

March 15K
Join this challenge and record a 15-kilometer running activity in March.

March Time to Swim
Join this challenge and record four hours of swimming activities in March.

March Time to Walk
Join this challenge and record 15 hours of walking activities in March.

March Time to Run
Join this challenge and record 10 hours of running activities in March.

March Time to Ride
Join this challenge and record 20 hours of cycling activities in March.

March Tour
Join this challenge and record 400 kilometers of cycling activities in March.

March Warrior
Join this challenge and record a total of 4 hours of yoga activities in March.

Active March
Join this challenge and record 20 activities of at least 20 minutes each in March.

March Walking
Join this challenge and record 30 miles of walking activities in March.

March Swim
Join this challenge and record 4,000 meters of swimming activities in March.

March Rundown
Join this challenge and record 50 miles of running activities in March.

March Step Month
Join this challenge and record 300,000 steps in March.

March Gains
Join this challenge and record a total of 4 hours of strength activities in March.

komoot March Cycling Challenge
Join this challenge and record 4 outdoor cycling activities of at least 30 minutes each in March.

Weekend and week challenges

Step into March
Join this challenge and record 100,000 steps from March 1-14.

March Weekend 40K
Join this challenge and record a 40-kilometer cycling activity from March 8-10.

March Weekend 5K
Join this challenge and record a 5-kilometer running activity from March 15-17.

March Ride to 200
Join this challenge and record 200 kilometers of cycling activities from March 17-30.

Badges in March

  • Mar 8 -  Noble Warrior Hero, REPEATABLE, Record an activity on International Women's Day (March 8) using your Captain Marvel watch.
  • Mar 8 - International Women's Day 2024, Record an activity on International Women's Day, March 8, 2024.
  • Mar 23 - Saulkrastu Stirnu Buks 2024, Complete at least a 5-km run in the Stirnu buks event in Saulkrastu, Latvia, on March 23, 2024.

Other new badges

  • High Alpine Road, Complete the High Alpine Road challenge in the Tacx Training app.


  • 2024-03-23 - No sign of the badge for Saulkrastu Stirnu Buks 2024.
  • 2024-03-24 - Saulkrastu Stirnu Buks 2024 marked as not available.
  • 2024-04-03 - The badge for Saulkrastu Stirnu Buks 2024 was available, but I never saw it. It is now added with the help of a user that got it. Was it ever visible for the users before they got it?

Garmin Badge Database
Garmin Connect
Change country setting


  1. Strangely I don't see any of these. Even changed country back from Taiwan to Israel and still nothing

    1. They are not available yet. Will probably come during the day.

    2. There is some problem with the Garmin servers because when in Garmin Connect android I click "Challenges" tab then I don't see the March badges, but 3 seconds later after I click home and Challenges again then I see them, then I see no badges, then I do see all of them, etc... I swear I haven't drink :)


    4. I usually don't use the app. I always use the web and it usually works better than the app. If you have any issues then just use the web.

  2. For the Saulkrastu Stirnu Buks 2024 badge I must be in Latvia to earn, right?

    1. That is my guess. When the badges go public we get more info. Usually if you see the badge without changing the country you need to be at the location of the race. If you must change country to see the badge you can usually do the race anywhere in the world.

  3. Welche Outdoor Aktivitäten meinen die bei dem Komot Badges Andi, ist es egal welche Radfahraktivität wir da tracken?

    1. It says "Record 4 outdoor cycling activities of at least 30 minutes each". It isn't more specified than that so it should work with all cycling types that got GPS enabled.


    2. I recorded a Zwift activity as per most of my bike rides and change activity to Cycling rather than Virtual Cycling and it counted.

  4. Komoot challenge is interesting! Something new than the usual challenges.

  5. Thanks for the latest update as usual!
    Is there any indication as to whether Garmin will add more expeditions? I put it forward as a suggestion through their official route months ago but had no feedback. I finished all the hikes a couple of months ago and am on my final climb.

    1. I haven't heard anything, but I've seen a few requests at Garmin Forums about it so people are starting to finish them all. I think it would be strange to implement a new function and then just abandon it, so I believe new expeditions will come.

    2. Thanks, I will keep fingers crossed for some new ones soon!

  6. Other new badges
    Hello everybody. There is no new badge in the Tacx program. When should it appear?

    1. No idea. I only post what I see is published by Garmin. There is no data for when (or if) it will go live.
      Most usually go live in a few days or weeks.


    2. There is a certain pattern. The last few Tacx badges (5 or 6) were released on Tuesdays. Usually on the first Tuesday of the month (except for February - this badge was released on January 30, but also on Tuesday). So I guess we'll just wait until Tuesday.

    3. Tacx challenge High Alpine Road is now available.

  7. I apologize for being off topic. Please explain how to get the «Thanks for Sharing» badge.

    1. Go to any activity you've completed in the Connect app and hit the share icon at the top right of the screen. Then choose a way to share (eg Messages) and job done. You don't actually need to send the message or complete the sharing of the badge, just choose the app you want to share it in and that's it.

    2. Sorry, I have this one, I got it mixed up with «Sharing Is Caring»

    3. Do you have "Sharing Is Caring"? It is the same as "Thanks for Sharing" but with an event.

    4. For sharing is caring you need to create an event in the calendar in Garmin Connect and then share that event. There's a badge for creating an event too if you've not already done that (Set a Date)

    5. Thank you all, it worked


  8. Bonjour à tous
    Qqun a t il réussit à obtenir le badge "yin et yang " équilibre 50/50 sur vélo ? Faut il un matériel particulier pour l avoir ?
    Pour ma part même sur un vélo d intérieur ( donc je pense un bon équilibre entre les pédales ), je n arrive pas à l obtenir
    Merci la team👍

    1. Hello. I have Garmin Rally XC200 pedals installed on my bike and I got this badge.
      P.S. I rarely get a 50/50 balance

    2. You need dual sided power meters to get that badge. I looked at the data field for balance and stopped the activity when I had 50/50.

  9. Is Garmin Connect currently experiencing server outage?

  10. Bonjour à tous
    Qqun a t'il les codes des montres Garmin Legacy Héro ? Je parles des codes pour changer de montre dans les fichiers .tcx

    1. Rey 3498
      Darth Vader 3499
      Captain Marvel 3500
      First Avenger 3501

    2. Is there still a working process that allows the device specific badges to be obtained using the above IDs? If so can someone let me know how this works? Thanks


    4. Is it also possible to get TacX badges as well by using the fitfile technique?

      How do I add another Garmin watch without actually buying another one?

  11. I performed 32 min or so of jumping rope for the "long jumper" badge but even choosing "jumping rope" as the sport, the badge was not issued.
    Any advice? Thanks

    1. There has been some issues with that badge. It must be logged with a Garmin device and have the type Jump Rope. I've done some tests and it sometimes work and sometimes not. If you don't have a native Jump Rope activity then try logging it as Strength (not Cardio) and then change it to Jump Rope. I've earlier suggested Cardio but that doesn't seem to work for that badge.

    2. I tried changing it to strength but no luck. Fr 935 has no JR activity. I use the one called jumpjump. The first 2 badges I received but this one did not. We will see 🤷

  12. Is there any way to get Tacx challenge badges without Tacx app and trainer? Any advice on this? Thanks

    1. I did a test now. I took a ride I had previously logged. Downloaded the FIT file (original). Ran it through and changed device to Tacx app. Deleted the original ride and then uploaded the edited ride and got the Tacx badge.

    2. Is this applicable for Tacx challenge badges as well?

    3. No, the Tacx challenges must be done with the app.

    4. Oh alright. Is there any other way then without connecting to the Tacx trainer? I don't have that device.

    5. I think it is enough with just a speed sensor.

    6. How do you connect that device? Connect to the app or the phone (app)?

    7. Connect it to the Tacx app. Not to Garmin Connect.

    8. Thanks, it worked! My guess is that I need to have a subscription if I have to take part in Tacx challenges like High Apline Road. Is that right?

    9. Yes. The challenges in Tacx requires a subscription.

  13. Hallo zusammen, gibt es die Möglichkeit folgende Abzeichen zu erhalten ohne das man die Uhr kauft und bei Garmin hinzufügt:
    Darth Vader-Uhr, Captain Marvel-Uhr, First Avenger-Uhr und Rey-Uhr

    1. No, you need the actual watch to get those badges.

    2. Actually I just tried it yesterday and was able to get the March 8 Noble Warrior Hero badge using I guess it won't work for the few badges that you would get when you add such a watch to your account, but these that only require the watch to record the activity seems to work

  14. The 30 min jump rope activity is driving me crazy. I'm trying everything but it won't give me this badge!

    1. Try using Strength and afterwards change it to Jump Rope. I took a strenght activity now that was 37 minutes long, changed type to Jump Rope and got that badge.

    2. Tried days ago but negative outcome

    3. With Strength? Log it as Strength. Save and Sync. Then in Garmin Connect you change it to Jump Rope. Do not use the Jump Rope app or log it as something else. It must be logged as Strength directly from the watch.
      I also had success with changing an outdoor Run activity to Jump Rope.

    4. Ok Andy, I will try it tomorrow and let you know. It is abnormal though all this 😂

      Another question. How do I get the 15,000 repetitions badge with jump rope?
      The "jumpjump" app can be set maximum to 10 thousand jumps

  15. Hi, is there anyone with "100 miles in less than 5 hours" badge obtained via tacx app? I wonder if I can have short break during the ride? I already did some tacx rides and seems all the avg values (speed/hr/time/revs) are counted only when riding, so there is nothing like total time vs ride time. So it should be ok to have a break but would like to have it confirmed. Thank you.

    1. Habe das Abzeichen schon mehrfach bekommen, zeichne aber die Aktivität mit einem Edge 1030 auf. Hier kann ich immer stoppen und später, auch ein oder zwei Tage später, fortsetzen ohne das die Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit geändert wird.

  16. I solved it by changing an old "walking" activity to a 30-minute "jump rope" activity. The problem is in the "jump round/duration" item. If it remains at a value of 0 it does not issue badges. In the case of my walk, it is as if the laps were the duration of the jump. So values other than 0 issued the badge. Now we need to understand the issue of 15 thousand jumps....

  17. I apologize for being off topic. Please explain how to get the «Virtual Climb - ...».

    1. The Virtual Climb badges require that you log an activty as Floor Climbing and get the required ascent for each badge. Only one badge per activity.

    2. You need a watch with an barometric altimeter, then you do a "floor climb" activity that includes the relevant number of metres/feet of elevation gain. I've got all 4 of those badges and note if you do what I did and keep going up and down a single flight of stairs then you need to stay at the top and at the bottom for 10-15 seconds or the watch doesn't always register that you have ascended or descended.
      For info, 1 floor seems to be 3 metres for me at least, so for the highest of those badges I had about 153 climbs of the stairs to complete 🥵

    3. Also if I remember correctly you only get the "smaller" value badges if you don't pass the value of the next badge. I.e; I already had the 735 feet badge and made another activity. I wasn't able to reach 1000, but because I made more than 7e5 I wasn't awarded the 334 feet badge.

  18. BTW I am working on a CIQ datafield for these badge goals. I would be interested if you would use such a datafield that would display the remaining "goal" to do (how many more mi/km/time/ft...). I use metric system and it was always a problem for me to remember how much is 334 feet in meters. My existing (newish) data converter Datafield helps in this: but I am working now on a new Goals DF. For both I woul like to hear your preference when working on achieving a goal that is in imperial units (feet for ascent or miles for some of the walks, runs) In the datafield settings you can chose system (whatever is set on your device) or metric or statute. For metric it's easy, because if I display 3.45 km (or maybe even 3.456?) then it makes sense, since 1km = 1000m. But would it also make sense for a mile based goal? Or not even goal just current distance. If you use imperial units and you're running, then I guess you mostly see decimal numbers: 0.47 mi, am I right? But 1 mile is 1760 yd :) So which display format is more useful: 3.5 mi, or maybe "3mi 880yd"? Is this useful or I am wasting my time and should just display it the easy way: 3.5mi?

    Another question: when you are working on some goal that doesn't use your native unit system, then would you prefer to see the remaining distance/ascent your native units or in the same units the goal is in or should I add a setting for this as well?

  19. Would you gentlemen explain to me the "Virtual climb" issue? I have a Forerunner 935. I think it has the barometric altimeter. If so, what activity should I start? Would it be okay to run climbs as well? Thank you

    1. You can use the run activity and then afterwards in Garmin Connect change it to Floor climbing.

    2. Thank you Andy. Of course I think the ride has to be uphill right?

    3. Yes. Uphill. Anything that gives you ascent will work. When I took those badges I added an ascent data field to my watch and then started to run up and down a hill until I reached the requied ascent.

    4. Hi Andy, whem i'm doing such an activity I estimate what the ascent will be, but not always sure.. How do you " I added an ascent data field to my watch" ? I have a vivoactive 5 watch.

    5. Follow the instructions in the manual:


  20. Hallo Andi ist dieser Badges schon frei da ich kurzfristig mal auf Lettland umgestellt habe und Ihn nicht sehe

    Saulkrastu Stirnu Buks 2024 , Absolvieren Sie am 23. März 2024 mindestens einen 5-km-Lauf beim Stirnu Buks-Event in Saulkrastu, Lettland.

    1. That badge isn't available yet. Maybe Garmin forgot about it or decided not to add it...or they will add it when the event starts. We will see tonight or tomorrow.

    2. The Saulkrastu Stirnu Buks 2024 badges were still put online and awarded. Can you still add it to the database accordingly? Thank you!

    3. I never saw it. Do you have the id for it? If you got an image link it will have the ID in the name.

    4. I just sent the link via email.

    5. Regarding your question from 2024-04-03: I did not see the badges for Saulkrastu Stirnu Buks 2024 in advance, although my account was set to Latvia. I didn't receive it on March 23rd either, but only about 5 days later. Therefore I assume that the timely publication was simply forgotten and made up for later.

    6. Thanks for the update. I also had my account set to Latvia and checked multiple times per day to see the badge. The country didn't really matter. I guess it is like you say: Garmin forgot about it.

  21. I ask a question... But is it possible to take badges from other countries without physically being in that country? Also is it possible to take badges released for Garmin Marvel devices?

    1. Yes. Most badges in other countries just require that you change the country setting here:
      To get the Marvel badges (not the badges that require you to add a watch to your account) you must changed the device that logged the activity. Use device change here:

    2. If it works to just change the country then I've listed the country/countries for the badge or challenge.

    3. Tip: you can change the country, sync in Garmin Connect app, then edit an existing activity (i.e change the name), save, sync again and you get the badge

  22. Good morning. I tried to get the "New Heights" badge, the one with the shoe. I ran all the way up to 2000 feet (610 m-11 km or so). What activity should I turn the run into to receive that badge? I tried "indoor climbing" but it was not issued. Thanks

    1. New Heights is a hiking badge, so change to Hiking.

    2. I tried already but it did not release it. Maybe I was supposed to start the activity on the smartwatch as hiking and not running? 🤔

    3. did you sync in garmin connect after the change?

    4. Make sure the logged ascent is at least 2000 feet. It doesn't matter what the max elevation was.

    5. I need to do it again. I thought it was an activity like "climbing stairs." I had accumulated 610 m (2000 feet) climbing and descending, but the ascent turning into hiking becomes 0. My mistake


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