November 2023 - Challenges and Badges

Join the November challenges very soon in Garmin Connect. Probably in just a few hours.

November is the last month in the Disney's 100 years celebration.

Three month challenges - Stage 4

Last stage for 2023 continues.

Full month challenges

Disney Enchanted Steps
Join this Disney 100 Years of Wonder challenge and record 10 days of 10,000 steps throughout November.

November Cycling Climb
Join this challenge and climb 10,000 feet in elevation during cycling activities in November.

November Time to Swim
Join this challenge and record 4 hours of swimming activities in November.

November Time to Run
Join this challenge and record 10 hours of running activities in November.

November Time to Ride
Join this challenge and record 20 hours of cycling activities in November.

November Time to Walk
Join this challenge and record 15 hours of walking activities in November.

November Walking
Join this challenge and record 30 miles of walking activities in November.

November 15K
Join this challenge and record a 15-kilometer running activity in November.

November Tour
Join this challenge and record 400 kilometers of cycling activities in November.

November Warrior
Join this challenge and record a total of four hours of yoga activities in November.

Active November
Join this challenge and record 20 activities of at least 20 minutes each in November.

November Swim
Join this challenge and record 4,000 meters of swimming activities in November.

November Rundown
Join this challenge and record 50 miles of running activities in November.

November Step Month
Join this challenge and record 300,000 steps in November.

November Gains
Join this challenge and record a total of four hours of strength activities in November.

Weekend and week challenges

Step into November
Join this challenge and record 100,000 steps from November 1-14.

November Weekend 40K
Join this challenge and record a 40-kilometer cycling activity from November 3-5.

November Weekend 5K
Join this challenge and record a 5-kilometer running activity from November 10-12.

November Ride to 200
Join this challenge and record 200 kilometers of cycling activities from November 12-25.

November Weekend 10K
Join this challenge and record a 10-kilometer running activity from November 24-26.

Badges in November

  • Disney 100 Years of Wonder - Complete all Disney 100 Years of Wonder challenges.
  • Nov 12 - 2023 Deepavali, Record an activity on Deepavali, November 12, 2023. Country: Singapore, Malaysia
  • Nov 26 - Garmin Run 2023 - Vietnam 10K, Record a 10K run during Garmin Run Vietnam on
  • November 26, 2023. Country: Vietnam
  • Nov 28 - 2023 Loy Krathong, Record an activity on Loy Krathong, November 28, 2023. Country: Thailand

Other new badges

  • Cycling Paradise, Complete the Cycling Paradise challenge in the Tacx app.


  • 2023-11-08 - Add new badges: 2023 Deepavali, Garmin Run 2023 - Vietnam 10K, 2023 Loy Krathong, Cycling Paradise

Garmin Badge Database
Garmin Connect
Change country setting


  1. Anyone know how to see the number of workouts completed towards the "Runner Graduate" badge?

    1. It is listed below the badge in Garmin Connect. Or you can use the challenge page in to view the progress.

    2. Thanks Andy - I have worked out what I was doing wrong... The plan I was doing was not a Garmin Coach one!

    3. Yeah, that explains it all.

  2. Logging hours for activities I feel is quite challenging. I attain the required distance quickly, but I have to struggle to complete the number of hours.

    1. I'm the opposite. I'm not very fast so I find it hard to get the distances

  3. Hi everyone!I have a garmin swin 2, how can i grab those hiking expeditions badges?I dont think my watch has a barometer!Thanks by the way!

    1. you could try entering in the elevation once you complete the hike?

    2. The hiking expeditions is no problem since Swim 2 got a step counter. The climbing expeditions will not work due to the lack of barometric altimeter. It can't be added manually in any way.

    3. It's pretty annoying that those are price-gated away considering there's an elevation measurement on activities that use GPS, but what ya gonna do 🤷🏼‍♂️

      I guess the argument is that it's less accurate when it's using Google maps are the elevation source, but still seems sketchy

  4. Hi Andy, is it possible to get the 10k and 15k in one run if done between the 24-26th, or will the 15k overwrite it like sometimes happens in distance badges?

    Thanks again for this update, always appreciated.

  5. I don't see the "Disney Enchanted Steps" in my Garmin Connect app. Is it only active in certain countries? I do have the previous 3, but I don't remember if I had to change my country for them.

    1. Yeah, it seems to be only available in certain countries. Now I changed my country to USA and I can see it.

    2. Good evening. Was wondering if it is still possible to get the Disney Marvel Avengers, Assemble badge? My country settings were incorrect at the time this badge could be earned and I did a 80km hike on 9 september 2023

    3. @RemcoGls. The challenge badges can only be awarded during the challenge period. So, no. It isn't possible to get that badge now.
      Hiking doesn't count for walking challenges. You must log it as walking.

    4. Ah, too bad Andy. I tried to change the activity to walk in stead of hike, but that didnt work either. Thanks for your reply!

  6. Hi Andy, more badges have been added, tacx, loy kathrong and others.

    1. Can you detail this information?Countries etc?

    2. Thank you. Only one TACX badge available yet.
      2023 Deepavali - Record an activity on Deepavali, November 12, 2023. Country: India
      Garmin Run 2023 - Vietnam 10K - Record a 10K run during Garmin Run Vietnam on November 26, 2023. Country: Vietnam
      2023 Loy Krathong - Record an activity on Loy Krathong, November 28, 2023. Country: Thailand
      Cycling Paradise - Complete the Cycling Paradise challenge in the Tacx app.

    3. Aren't these new badges in calendar yet?

    4. @Sunil. I only add available badges and these are not available yet. Deepavali should be available some day today since Garmin never has added new badges on the weekends.

    5. I still don't see the Deepavali badge, even though it's supposed to start in less than 12 hours (and I changed my country to India)

    6. Switch to country Malaysia or Singapore. It isn't available in India.

    7. Strange! It's Indian festival by the way.
      Never mind, badge is important than the location 😋

  7. Hallo Andi,

    Gibt es zufällig ein Problem mit dem Abzeichen Trick Serie (64oz) am Tag rein rechtlich habe ich 30. Tage voll und den Bagdes geschafft nur nach der Synchronisation heute steht er wieder auf 2/30 da stimmt was nicht

    1. Yes. It worked for me, but Garmin just mentioned that there was an issue and it should now be fixed.

    2. Dankeschön für Info Andi

  8. Hi everyone...To earn the badge for this Garmin Run 2023 - Vietnam 10K race, will it be necessary to complete the route in Vietnam or if we do a 10k race on the same day and change the login country to Vietnam, will it work?

    1. You should get the badge by changing the country to Vietnam and doing 10k in a single run.

    2. Andy, I don't see neither the Nov 26 nor the Nov 28 activity in the calendar. Do you know why?

    3. @Gavriel. The calendar only shows badges added to the database. Those two are not available yet and I don't add badges before they are available.

    4. Ah, yes I always forget this. BTW if it's not a secret: how do you know about the badges in advance if they're not yet in the Garmin Connect feed?

    5. It isn't a secret. I got a watch for changes of this file:
      It contains all text strings used for badges and challenges. Earlier I could also look for added images of the badges, but Garmin changed the naming to UUIDs which are impossible to find out before the badges are available in Connect.

    6. Was anyone able to get this to work by just switching countries?

    7. @ben_gundy. Yes, it worked. Note that you must log an outdoor run. Treadmill will not work since it is missing GPS data.

  9. How should I divide a task into several tasks to get more badges in the same day?

    1. I've never done it. I always do multiple activities instead.
      You can split an activity into multiple parts in serveral ways. Easiest way is to convert it to a multisport activity. You do that in Garmin Connect.

    2. It really depends on your situation. For example if you're nearing the end of the month and you have already 18 activities of at least 20 minutes, and you you're going out for a long walk now then you can stop it after 20 minutes and immediately after it start a new activity in order to secure the Active November badge. But if you're on a streak for the 30 for 30 then obviously if you finish after 20 minutes this won't help you, so you'll need to finish it only after 30 minutes, and then do another 20 minutes in order to have the 20th activity of at least 20 minutes.

      If you run 10k on 26th November and you change your country to Vietnam then you'll probably get both the 10k November and the Garmin Run November 10 of Vietnam for the same activity.

  10. Any clue as to why U.S. Thanksgiving was dropped this year?

    1. Actually, today is the 21st and we have no information about it... can anyone confirm if we will have the Thanksgiving badge?

  11. Probably a silly question - but any help appreciated. I have borrowed a TacX for a couple of months to get the badges. Anyone know how to do a GroupRide to get that badge? Doesn't look like anyone has got it here yet?

    1. I got a tip yesterday about someone that created a group ride in the Tacx desktop app which sounds like the beta has been released or that that person is a beta tester. They should probably do the groupride today and report back to me. So, look in the desktop app.

    2. The badge is no longer available in GC

  12. Good question. I only found this information, but it is for an older version of the software and for beta testers.

    1. Thank you!
      "Late November we will be releasing a long-awaited new feature in the Tacx app: GroupRide! Since we very much appreciate your feedback on our app, we would like you to be able to test the feature before releasing it to the public. For now, it is only possible to test the feature in TDA (Tacx Desktop Training app)"

  13. Theres no need to be a beta tester to start a groupride in TDA, the feature is there since 4.48 version.

  14. I forgot to change the country, for the Vietnam 10k run. I did the activity but haven't been able to get the badge even though I've changed the activity name when logged with Vietnam my country today. Is there another way to get the badge?

    1. What activity did you log? The activity must have GPS data.

    2. I did a treadmill long run. That's why 🙈
      Thanks Andy, you are the best. Much appreciated 👍

  15. Did anyone get the 2023 Loy Krathong badge? I changed the country to Thailand, and finished an activity, but no bagde. Nor do I see it in Garmin Connect as available

    1. I got it. Double check the country change. The badge will show as available if the change worked.

    2. I see on the garmin account page that I'm in Thailand. I see the badge on garminbadges in my available badges. But I don't see it in Garmin Connect app. I guess another garmin bug...

    3. Try switching country back and forth to make sure it is truly set in your account. When you press save it should take you to the previous page.

    4. did that, didn't help. Looks like the api you use sees it but the api GC uses doesn't see it.

    5. I add the badges manually to the site from my Garmin account after I changed the country.

    6. Finally I made it work. I changed country (to 4 different country), then refreshed in the main screen of GC. In the past it usually worked and it displayed the available badge. This time it didn't. But when I changed to Hungary then the refresh caused it to log out (I have seen this in the past, I still don't know when it happens, but I think it happens when you change between a non-EU country to an EU country, probably because of GDPR?) and after that I changed to Thailand and logged in, and then I saw the badge.

  16. Hi, the country has to be changed on garmin website, right? Its not the line in garmin app under profile picture? Thank you. And can I get Vietnam run badge for example today? So change the country, open the activity from the weekend (edit something - for example name), then save? Thank you.

    1. You change the country here:
      Then do an edit to the activity and you should get the badge.
      It is only challenges that can't be awarded after the date has passed.

  17. Hi. I completed the Cycling Paradise challenge in Tacx. In the Tacx app it says that I earned the badge on 28 Nov. However, the badge has not shown up in GC yet. Anyone having a similar issue?


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