Chrome extension working again!

The Chrome extension is now fixed! You must update to version 1.4.1 to use the fixed code. It should eventually update automatically, but if you want to update it right now you can browse to this URL: chrome://extensions/ and click the Update button at the top.

I also made a quick speed upgrade. The old version took over a minute to update the data, but with the new version it takes about 5 seconds! I've submitted two versions with the speed upgrade. Version 1.4.2 had a bug. Version 1.4.3 is the version that works.

What caused this issue?

Garmin changed the URLs to the files that the extension fetch. The part 'modern/proxy/' was removed from the URLs.

Garmin also added two new required headers. One is a static header and the other is an dynamic header that can be fetched from localStorage in the browser.

  • 'di-backend': ''
  • 'Authorization':'Bearer ' + JSON.parse(localStorage.token).access_token

Garmin Badge Database
Garmin Connect
Change country setting


  1. Great news! All the work that you put into this is really appreciated. Your challenge progress spreadsheet is a fantastic innovation. At some point, I hope that you can find the time to investigate the double postings in your "100 most recent badges awarded" list. I wonder if you (like me) observe a points tally considerably higher than your Garmin Connect tally (and if this could be related to some double-counting).

    1. I haven't noticed the error in points in that page. I will look into that. The points are correct in the front page with all the badges.

    2. Indeed, I should have specified that the points mismatch that I see is in the badge points list (higher than on the front page).

    3. This bug should now be fixed and the points in the top list are correct again. Thank you for making me aware of this issue.

  2. Good Morning-is anyone else not seeing progress on the hydration challenge? Thanks!

    1. Never mind! Sorry It's working now-this is really awesome!

    2. It is a common issue. For me the progress is 0 every morning and is updated to the correct progress after I've reported at least 64 oz of fluid.

    3. Hi Caitlyn, I have the same issue. It only appears for me after I do manual sync.

  3. Any thoughts on making a list of .FIT or .TCX files for people to download of specific badges they can upload for their own profile?

    1. I've thought about it and don't want to do that. I've helped a few users with the multisport badge since their watches didn't support multisport, but having a file for each badge would support cheating.


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