How to get the badge Noble Warrior Hero and other badges that need special watches

Today (March 8) is the International Women's Day and you can be awarded with the badge Noble Warrior Hero if you record an activity with your Captain Marvel Watch.

If you got the watch there is no problem at all. Just log an activity. But what to do if you still want that badge and don't have that watch?

Note that these method works for all badges and challenges that got a device requirement.

I use three different tools for editing FIT files depending on what I would like to do exactly.

  1. - Free tools to edit FIT files. Very useful. Check it out. You can change to many of the Garmin devices but not to the Marvel or Star Wars watches. They are missing. If you like the service and use it then please donate to make it stay free and up and running (It isn't my service)
  2. Fitfilerepairtool - License $49. Will fix pretty much anything in a FIT file. Will automatically fix errors in FIT files if they are not accepted by Garmin. Extremely useful, but can be pretty hard to understand. You can change to any device you like, but not all are listed so you need to know the id of the device which can be found in the Garmin SDK.
  3. Gotoes - Free for basic use, donation $10 to get all features like exporting as FIT files. The best function is that you can combine data from multiple files into one. It got the Marvel and Star Wars watches listed so it is the easiest one to use here. Note that you need to donate $10 to be able to export as FIT file. You can also get the badge with a TCX file.

How to set the device in the FIT file

I will use Gotoes here since it is the easiest one.

  1. Do the required activity.
  2. Browse to the activity in Garmin Connect Web. Click the cog wheel in upper right corner and Export Original.
  3. A zip file is downloaded. Extract the zip file and save the FIT file to the disc.
  4. Browse to gotoes and the tool to use:
  5. Click Choose Files and select your FIT file.
  6. Click Upload and after upload click Click Here For Next Step
  7. Make sure the Output File Format is set to FIT
  8. Change GPS Type in Output File to Garmin Legacy Hero Series Captain Marvel
  9. Click Click Here to Combine GPS Files Using Above Parameters
  10. A new FIT file is downloaded prefixed with GOTOES_
  11. Import the FIT file to Garmin Connect on the import page.
  12. Remember to remove the original activity to not get two activities logged when it should be just one.

Gotoes - Donation function

I hadn't donated to this service before today. It was very easy and worked really good. I used the PayPal donate function linked at gotoes and donated $10 (you are allowed to donate a higher amount if you like but $10 is the lowest to get all features). Afterwards I got an email with a link that when clicked unlocked all features.

It will set a cookie in your browser. That means that if you are using multiple computer and/or browsers or clear your cookies you need to set that cookie to use all features.


2022-03-08 - It is possible to do this using a TCX file. Using a FIT file is not required.

Garmin Badge Database
Garmin Connect
Change country setting


  1. I've been able to get the Device Specific badges with TCX files from gotoes

    1. You are right. I did a test with a TCX file first, but I didn't get the badge. I did a new test now and it works.

    2. Do you know if we can do the test on another day, for example today by resuming an activity from March 8? Thanks !!!

    3. You can do it any day and don't need to resume an activity from the 8th. Just move an activity to the 8th and it counts.

    4. Thank you very much for your feedback, I will try again because the first try did not work :-(

    5. I did several tests and it does not work, snifff :-(

    6. Exactly how are you doing it?
      I did a test now. I downloaded a FIT file from January 6h. Used Gotoes to set the Captain Marvel watch and then imported the edited FIT file to my account. Changed the data to March 8th and saved. I got the badge "Noble Warrior Hero".

    7. I did the same test but with the TCX file and that also worked.

    8. it seems to me to do the same thing.
      I take a file from another date in FIT I put it in gotoes I add the marvel watch
      I export in TCX because I cannot export in FIT and I put the date of 8
      i will try again :-)

    9. If you donate $10 you can export to FIT.
      I would try using TCX all the way instead of switching file format.

    10. hello, it does not work for me I don't understand why !
      I also tried starting from a TCX file but despite that I don't get the badges.
      Thanks for your help

    11. Take a look at my latest test:
      The important parts are the date and the device. Make sure you see "2022 MARCH 8" and the "Captain Marvel" device image when you lock at the activity in Garmin Connect.

    12. I see the same infos :

    13. Have you checked if you already have it? It isn't repeatable.

    14. yes I checked, I try with Dark vador watch and it's not ok ! And I'm trying on husband acount and it's the same.
      it is repeatable every year

    15. The badge is not repeatable. You can take it only one time on the 8th any year.

    16. yes that's what I meant :-)
      Repeatable once a year

    17. You should avoid the word "repeatable" since it means a user can take it multiple times. Each user can only take the badge one time. After that that user cannot take it another time. The badge is available on March 8th each year.

    18. Sorry my English is not perfect and I don't know all the meanings of the words

    19. Don't worry about that. I'm just trying to see if that is the issue here. Your activity looks good so there must be something else that is wrong. If you already got the badge would explain everything.

    20. It's good I succeeded. I started from the FIT file from my watch and that I saved on my computer, and not by taking it from the garmin connect web
      Thank you for the support and help ;-) good evening

    21. Sorry. I was wrong about the repeatable. The badge is repeatable! So please use the word repeatable as much as you like about that badge :-)
      I thought I looked at it and I didn't see the REPEATABLE label, but when I look now I see REPEATABLE in all places I look...including my own database :D

    22. Hi, Andy. You can earn more then once the badge in the same day with several activities. It's not like the other repeatable badges

    23. @Mishonsa. I've noticed. Not good at all. It is like the Share the Love badge that people abused like crazy.

    24. With Share the Love badge I think it's a bug. All Legacy badges that are repeatable on a given date can be earned more than once in the same day

    25. Probably, but I still don't like it :-)

  2. You can get the badges using the evaluation version of fitfilerepairtool, but be aware that you lose some data fields (you are told which ones).

  3. Why you get the badge Noble Warrior Hero but you dont get the badge Higher. Further. Faster.1 ptAdd a Captain Marvel watch to your account.

    1. You must add that watch to your account to get the badge. You don't add a watch to your account by changing the device in an activity.

    2. Good afternoon e7andy, How did you add legacy watches to your account? :-)

    3. @Sandrine. I didn't add any of those watches to my account since I don't have access to them. I don't have any of the badges that requires you to add the watches.

    4. Ok thanks for your answer :-)

  4. Thanks. But Garmin web cannot import TCX file after Gotoes... I manually change xml node in TCX, exported from Garmin.

    1. Did you export the TCX file from Garmin?
      It works for me with exporting TCX from Garmin. Using Gotoes to change the device and the importing it to Garmin Connect.

    2. I didn't try TCX -> TCX. I mean that FIT -> TCX don't work.

  5. I usually use this for a Rey watch:



    I use the save version for all the other watches.
    Skip serial number.

  6. XML tags didn't work.
    VersionMajor 3
    VersionMinor 80
    BuildMajor 0
    BuildMinor 0
    But I don't think the actual numbers matter.

  7. *I use the same version for all the other watches.

  8. Question...can this be used to fix the phantom missing steps that causes you to break a streak? I DID the steps. The watch and phone app reflected that. Just didn't get synced before midnight.

    1. No, it will not work.
      What can be done is to change the date and time on the phone to yesterday and sync again. If you do it right you will get the steps uploaded on the right day. I've never done it. Only read about it.

    2. Hi Andy. Regular poster and reader here. This thread has been extremely helpful in enabling me to get most of my missing badges. Many thnx.

  9. The easiest way to get the special-edition badges without any external tools, is exporting an activity in the TCX format, opening it in Notepad (or a similar editor), and changing the tag ProductID to the desired number (as Andy wrote: Rey 3498, Darth Vader 3499, Captain Marvel 3500, First Avenger 3501). You do NOT need to change neither the device Name nor the version number. The only value you have to edit to get the badge, is really just the ProductID. Then remove the original from GC, import the modified TCX file to GC, and change the date (if necessary).

    PS: do not use activities with valuable data, or those that made you gain other badges or challenges!

  10. It worked for me and I got the High Groung badge for floor climb, yay! That's pretty awesome for Star Wars fan who can't afford second watch :) Thanks for your awesome tutorials e7andy!

    I guess the best way to tackle 'add device' badges is to attend sports events, network with people on whom you spotted the desired watch and beg them to let you add the device for a minute! :D or get them drunk and borrow their watch for a moment.

    I'm actually talking this trash because I am a completionist and I aim to grab all the available badges at some point. I wonder if you can get other badges by editing your fit files. For example the jing jang - this seems to be expensive as again you either need to buy power meter for at least £400 or so. In GOTOES I saw power value overwrite (only donate function) while filetools allow power balance edit. Anyway, I can afford to donate 10$ and I am going to do so in forseeable future to test that out.

  11. Hello, its quite annoying to not be able to get the remaining badges without actually having such watches. In my country when you buy online there is possibility to return the goods within 2 weeks, but anyway they are no more available. Any new ideas how to fake some device (for example usb stick :) ) and add it to your account so that Garmin Connect app think its something else - Darth Vader watches for example? There seems to be some information in GarminDevice.xml file but I am not such expert to find out the way.

    1. I believe the way to get them is to buy the watches second hand. It doesn't matter if the battery is crap. Then you should get them very cheap.

    2. I have been looking also for second hand watches but no luck so far.

    3. Anybody knows someone with an avenger watch, they could login with our credential, add the watch, get the badge, unregistered the watch and log out. For the Yin and Yang badge, I have it and I have the FIT file that I gave a friend (and it worked). Message me if interested.

    4. Hi Bruno51.Please send me the Yin and Yang fit file

    5. @G. K. 79. Try this file:

    6. Sorry @e7andy, did you get the Yin/Yang badge? If not send me a private message and I'll send you the fit file.

  12. What can cause a failure to import a fit file? I went back and found a week where I had 3 standalone (not part of multisport activity) strength workouts and none had any badges. I downloaded the original fit files of all 3 of them, then changed the watch type to Captain Marvel, then deleted the original workouts from Garmin Connect, then uploaded the Captain Marvel versions. The 1st one worked, but the other two failed to be imported. (I could upload the original fit files again, so it's not that they weren't deleted)
    BTW: The Captain Marvel watch now works in

    1. If you do the exact same action to each one of the files then it should work. Hard to say what can have caused it.
      Downloading the TCX files and editing the Creator tag should also work to get those badges.

    2. I did the exact same action, I tried it over and over. Anyway the TCX editing worked. It screws a little bit some parts, but changing the type back to strength gave me the badge. If anyone needs, the Creator.Name is "Captain Marvel" and Creator.ProductID is 3500


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