New badge - Merdeka Day, August 31, Malaysia

Merdeka Day - Record an activity on Merdeka Day, date: August 31, country: Malaysia

From Wikipedia article Independence Day (Malaysia):

"Independence Day (Malay: Hari Merdeka, also known as Hari Kebangsaan or "National Day"), is the official independence day of Federation of Malaya. It commemorates the Malayan Declaration of Independence of 31 August 1957, and is defined in Article 160 of the Constitution of Malaysia.[1] The day is marked by official and unofficial ceremonies and observances."


  1. Any sign of the Singapore badge yet?

    1. Nothing at all. It is tomorrow so Garmin need to hurry up.

  2. I see September is now up - very much a rinse and repeat of recent months. Back to climbing on the bike!

    1. Thanks! I refuse to do any more bike climbing! This will be the first challenge badge I will fail to get. Biking up and down hills maybe good training but it is dead boring and takes time from other training that I enjoy doing.

    2. Hi Andy,
      same for me...and only for 2 points: I prefer to run 15 km!

    3. I had to miss a few running ones over the last few months as I had a stress fracture in my foot. Missing the first one hurts, but once you have missed one you become a bit more pragmatic!

    4. Don't forget that if you have a home trainer, you can load a route on your bike computer and you'll be awarded the climb of the route you cycle.
      That's how I got the badges, since my read world cycling environment is very flat.

    5. Yep with you on the hill climbing I'm not doing it this month. When I eventually get my turbo trainer then I may look at doing this again, should hopefully be less effort as you can find terrains or set one your self to a steady and not too painful climb.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. I would use Garmin Connect.
      5231 m ascent:

    8. Here is another course to the top of Mount Everest:
      3526 meter ascent in just 29.3 km.

  3. Yeah it makes sense to to miss one if it’s going to dictate your whole month and affect your training for a race or something.

    I haven’t attempted any bike climbing ones or the enduro, but I haven’t missed any this year that I accepted at the start of the month.

  4. Got the Malaysian badge today.

    Having some trouble with the Be A Hero badge from yesterday. I got it, but as soon as I switched to Malaysia yesterday it was taken back.

    I went back to Philippines, edited the activity, and got the badge again. But as soon as I switch to another country I lose it again.

    1. I've heard about that issue, but seems like it is easy to get it back. It will hopefully stick in a few days so I wouldn't worry about it too much. Try again in a day or two.

    2. Ok... and if i switch to my real country - i lost both badges (Philippines and Malaysia). However i have National Day of Singapore and everything earlier.

  5. Do not change the country until the day after if today is the day the badge is based on. Duh.

  6. The Philippines "Be A Hero" badge didn't appear for me despite the country being set to PHILIPPINES. has anyone else seen it or have any tips to make it appear?

    1. It isn't repeatable so you can only get it once. Maybe you already have it?

    2. i've checked and you're right! thanks for replying :)

  7. Anybody not getting the Merdeka Day badge even though the country was set to Malaysia and completed an activity on 31 August?

    1. It isn't repeatable so you can only get it once.


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