October 2020 badge challenges and other badges in October

October badges is coming up soon. This is what we currently know.

There are 6 challenges in October. The Halloween week with 3 challenges will be a bit tough to take. For me it will be 2 hours running, 5 hours cycling and ~4 hours of walking. A total of 11 hours. 1.5 hours of training every day! So, no sick days or days off that week.

October challenges:

1-31 October Rundown, running 50 miles (80.5 km)

1-31 October Step Month, 300,000 steps

1-31 October Ride to 400, cycling 400 km (248.6 miles)

25-31 Halloween Running, running 13 miles (21 km)

25-31 Halloween Cycling, cycling 5 hours

25-31 Halloween Walking, walking 13 miles (21 km)

October badges:

1: Under a Full Moon, any activity, Philippines or Taiwan

9: Hangul day, any activity, Korea

31: Halloween - No info about this one yet. It might be 5 badges as last year. 1 international and 3 national (Korea, Japan and Taiwan) and 1 for sharing one of those badges.

Garmin Badge Database
Garmin Connect
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