June 2023 - Bicycle day, Environment day, Running day and Wellness day

Join the June challenges now in Garmin Connect!

There are several new badges in the beginning of June. See the list in the end the post.

Three month challenges - Stage 2

Last month! Now is the time if you haven't completed them yet. 

Full month challenges

June Walking
Join this challenge and record 30 miles of walking activities in June.

June 15K
Join this challenge and record a 15-kilometer running activity in June.

June Tour
Join this challenge and record 400 kilometers of cycling activities in June.

June Warrior
Join this challenge and record a total of four hours of yoga activities in June.

Active June
Join this challenge and record 20 activities of at least 20 minutes each in June.

June Swim
Join this challenge and record 4,000 meters of swimming activities in June.

June Rundown
Join this challenge and record 50 miles of running activities in June.

June Step Month
Join this challenge and record 300,000 steps in June.

June Gains
Join this challenge and record a total of four hours of strength activities in June.

Weekend and week challenges

Step into June
Join this challenge and record 100,000 steps from June 1-14.

June Ride to 100
Join this challenge and record 100 kilometers of cycling activities from June 4-10.

June Weekend 5K
Join this challenge and record a 5-kilometer running activity from June 9-11.

June Weekend 40K
Join this challenge and record a 40-kilometer cycling activity from June 16-18.

Badges in June

  • June 2 - Garmin Unbound Gravel XL 2023, Ride the Unbound Gravel XL race in Emporia, Kansas, on June 2, 2023.
  • June 3 - 2023 World Bicycle Day, Record an activity on World Bicycle Day, June 3, 2023
  • June 3 - Garmin Unbound Gravel 200 2023, Ride the Unbound Gravel 200 race in Emporia, Kansas, on June 3, 2023.
  • June 3 - Garmin Unbound Gravel 100 2023, Ride the Unbound Gravel 100 race in Emporia, Kansas, on June 3, 2023.
  • June 3 - Garmin Unbound Gravel 50 2023, Ride the Unbound Gravel 50 race in Emporia, Kansas, on June 3, 2023.
  • June 3 - Garmin Unbound Gravel 25 2023, Ride the Unbound Gravel 25 race in Emporia, Kansas, on June 3, 2023.
  • June 5 - 2023 Environment Day, Record an activity on Environment Day, June 5, 2023, country: Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Republic of, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam
  • June 7 - Global Running Day 2023, Record a running activity on June 7, 2023
  • June 10 - 2023 Global Wellness Day, Record an activity on Global Wellness Day, June 10, 2023
  • June 22 - 2023 Dragon Boat Festival, Record an activity on Dragon Boat Festival, June 22, 2023, country: China Mainland, Hong Kong, Indonesia, India, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam

Web site updates


  • 2023-06-21 - Added the badge 2023 Dragon Boat Festival.

Garmin Badge Database
Garmin Connect
Change country setting


  1. Badge-firework *yeeehaaa*!

    Thanks again, Andy!

  2. For the Running Day badge you must do a run, but for the Bicycle Day badge it is any activity not a cycle one strange. Typical Garmin logic ? It might be worth keeping an eye on that requirement.

    1. Yes. That is odd. I will keep an eye on it. Thanks.

  3. Thank you.

    "June 3 - 2023 World Bicycle Day, Record an activity on World Bicycle Day, June 3, 2023"

    it should be bicycle activity or any?

    1. Garmin wrote "any". We will see if that change.

  4. I just got my first Garmin watch end of April 2023. Was raring for the Dragon Boat Festival badges (as I'm from Singapore). I guess it's tough luck for me this time round?

    1. There hasn't been announced any badge for Dragon boat festival this year. It is on June 22 so there is still time for Garmin to add a badge.

  5. Did something else change to the calendar? It does not sync in google cal. I even resubbed it and I don't see any badges nor challenges. It was fine in last month badges

    1. The calendars are working, but they are updated once per day at midnight (CEST). I did a manual update a few minutes ago so when your calendar decides it will fetch an update you will see the badges and challenges.

    2. It synced finally but somehow I still don't have anything in May. June is fine though. Let's hope google cal doesn't break in July :D

    3. It is the same calendar file so if you see June you should see May...if there are any events left in May. The calendars only contains the events that are current and in the future. Past events are removed. If you use your personal challenge calendar and you completed all challenges you signed up for then it will be removed.

  6. Hi, I do not see "2023 Environment Day" badge. Is it country specific?

    1. Yes. I see that now. It is country specific. I changed to Taiwan and could see it. US didn't work.

    2. By the way, environment day badge might be available for all the Asian countries, this is my assumption though!

    3. I added a few more countries to the list. Thank you for pointing that out.
      Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Republic of, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam

    4. India isn't on the list? Strange!

      The "Garmin Unbound" race badges would be awarded if taken part in Emporia, right? Change of country here does not help, is that correct?

    5. It is odd that India is missing. I tested it twice.

      Yes. Garmin Unbound must be done at the correct location.

  7. I just found out that gotoes also works for changing the date of an activity if you missed a date specific badge. You can do this here https://gotoes.org/strava/Add_Timestamps_To_GPX.php. Change date, set activity type to 'other' and export to tcx.

    1. It works the same by changing date in Garmin Connect. That is how I do it.

  8. I could you some help on the Tacx Badges. The time ran out on the ride with the pros challenge and I need to restart, but I don't see how. I tried just playing the first ride again, but I still have the 'time ran out' message. Does anyone know how to restart the Tacx Challenges?

    1. ** Thank you for these blogs and the time you put into all of the badge work!

    2. In the upper right corner (in the mobile app) I've got a restart button. It looks like a clock with an arrow around it. Click that to restart the challenge.

  9. Thank you! I completely missed that little icon!

  10. Hi, is there any way to count steps for "bike / indoor bike" activities? I know it looks or hears pretty dumb to record steps for cycling activities, but somehwhat obsessed with counting steps :D

    1. To count steps while biking you must put your watch on your ankle so it actually moves.
      The step counter is turned off during biking so if you need to log your ride as something else and afterwards change the type to biking.
      If you got two devices then you can log your ride with one device and use the other to count steps by putting it on your ankle.

    2. with the Forerunner 235 I can record steps while doing an indoor bike activity... weird but it works

    3. @Gaëlle. Yes. That is true. Some of the older models do not disable the step counter for biking types.

    4. Another workaround to have steps count while you're biking is to use a Garmin heart rate monitor. All you have to do is make sure it doesn't sync to your device or cycling activity.

      A few months ago I went for a 40K bike ride and got around 20K steps because my heart rate monitor thought I was running or something. It wasn't aware that I was on a bike ride.

  11. Dragon boat festival seems to be online

    1. Thanks. The challenges for July is also up but not possible to join yet. I will post an update with everything soon.

  12. Hi, Andy. I have been seeing the fifth disney badge in the app for quite some time now

    1. Thank you. The Garmin account that I use to update the badge data doesn't see that badge. I think it is because that account didn't take the first badge. That is logical. I will have to do a workaround to add it.


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