May 2023 - Disney 100 Years of Wonder and cycling climb is back


Join the May challenges now in Garmin Connect.

New in this month: Disney 100 Years of Wonder, Complete all four Disney 100 Years of Wonder challenges. There are four challenges. Each is a month long. Months with challenges: May, July, September and November. If you complete all four you will get a fifth Disney badge.

These challenges are promotions for Disney vívofit® jr. kids devices. If you complete one of those challenges you will get 25% off on select Disney vívofit® jr. kids devices at

Three month challenges - Stage 2

Second month in Stage 2

Full month challenges

Run the Star Wars Galaxy
Join this Disney 100 Years of Wonder challenge and record 100 minutes of running activities in May. Note that there are country restrictions on this badge. The list is not yet complete. Countries found so far: Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Poland, Sweden, Thailand, United States

May Walking
Join this challenge and record 30 miles of walking activities in May.

May Tour
Join this challenge and record 400 kilometers of cycling activities in May.

May Warrior
Join this challenge and record a total of four hours of yoga activities in May.

Active May
Join this challenge and record 20 activities of at least 20 minutes each in May.

May Swim
Join this challenge and record 4,000 meters of swimming activities in May.

May Rundown
Join this challenge and record 50 miles of running activities in May.

May Step Month
Join this challenge and record 300,000 steps in May.

May Gains
Join this challenge and record a total of four hours of strength activities in May.

May 15K
Join this challenge and record a 15-kilometer running activity in May.

May Cycling Climb
Join this challenge and climb 10,000 feet in elevation during cycling activities in May.

Weekend and week challenges

Step into May
Join this challenge and record 100,000 steps from May 1-14.

May Ride to 200
Join this challenge and record 200 kilometers of cycling activities from May 7-20.

May Weekend Walking
Join this challenge and record a 3-mile walking activity from May 12-14.

May Weekend 5K
Join this challenge and record a 5-kilometer running activity from May 26-28.

May Weekend 40K
Join this challenge and record a 40-kilometer cycling activity from May 26-28.

Badges in May

  • April 29 - May 5 - 2023 Golden Week, Record an activity during Golden Week. April 29~May 5, 2023. Country: Japan

  • May 1 - 2023 International Workers' DayRecord an activity on International Workers' Day, May 1, 2023. Country: Mainland China (中国大陆), Hong Kong, Indonesia, India, Japan, Korea, Republic of, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam

  • May 4 - Impressive. Most Impressive, Record an activity on May 4 using your Darth Vader watch.

  • May 4 - Light. Darkness. A Balance, Record an activity on May 4 using your Rey watch.

  • May 28 - The 20 km of Brussels 2023, Run the 20 km of Brussels race in Brussels, Belgium, on May 28, 2023.

Other announced badges

Disney 100 Years of Wonder
Complete all four Disney 100 Years of Wonder challenges.

Disney Enchanted Steps
Join this Disney 100 Years of Wonder challenge and record 10 days of 10,000 steps throughout November.

Marvel Avengers, Assemble!
Join this Disney 100 Years of Wonder challenge and record 100 minutes of walking activities in September.

Step into the Disney Magic
Join this Disney 100 Years of Wonder challenge and record 100,000 steps in 10 consecutive days. July.

Web site updates

Garmin Badge Database
Garmin Connect
Change country setting


  1. There seems to be some problem with the calendar. I added both in April and I see all the April events, but even now, at least 24 hours after you posted about the May badges I still don't see any of the May events in Google Calendar

    1. May are not in the database yet. Garmin need to publish them first. My post is just a sneak peek of what to come. I think they will go live today.

    2. They are now live. Note that you must join the challenges and then upload your data to my site before you will get your challenges in the calendar.

  2. Thanks Andy. Are you aware of any free methods of changing your file's device to be these Star Wars themed watches?

    I tried using the methods mentioned on Reddit e.g. gotoes but you need to pay. Also noticed your page about this last year

    Is this still the only way other than buying these watches still?


    1. You can try the device changer at Fitfiletools
      It is just $10 for Gotoes.
      I haven't tested doing this in a long time. Maybe I should test it again and write a new post about it with all now available options.

    2. Fitfiletools now works for these watches

    3. Thanks Andy and dmmac. Worked a treat

  3. Ho un problema con le sfide di maggio non mi da la sfida di forza ma due sfide identiche di 20 attività

    1. Use the web and see what it looks like there. If it looks ok in the web then everything is ok and the app will sort it self out eventually.

    2. Si sul web è tutto in ordine sarà un problema dell'appartamento che risolveranno grazie andy

  4. Bonjour ! Is there a way to know how many yoga or walking activities we did?

    1. Yes. Use the Progress Summary Report in Garmin Connect Web:
      Select start date 2020-04-28 (start date for those badges) and the activity type you want to see the count for.

    2. I set a goal for the Zen master yoga badge and then I can see the progress

    3. Using goals are great, but the duration can only be 1 year at most so it can only count the activities for one year back in time. The badges started 2020-04-28 which is over 3 years ago.
      I use goals but you must use the Progress Summary report to see all activities from the start date. Then create a goal starting from that count. That is how I do it.

  5. I finished the May challenge for the vivofit jr, but when I go to redeem the reward, the discount isn't being applied.

    1. Hi e7andy, where did you find the code? I can't see it in the app nor online. It just mentions that the discount will be automatically activated, but it doesn't for me, similar like Becky's case.

    2. Use Garmin Connect Web. Go to the challenge:
      Click the button "Get your reward". You will end up on a Garmin page. Look in the URL. The last parameter (named pc) is the code that you can enter at discount.

    3. Found it! Thanks a lot! 😍

  6. Replies
    1. Great! Thank you! I've made a new post.


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