Garmin added new country requirement - Country setting and actual location

With the Garmin Asia Run Series badges Garmin added a new type of requirement for badges that we have never seen before: You have to set the location in your Garmin account AND do the activity in a specific country.

It is pretty odd to require both. 

If you do an activity in the required country but haven't changed the country you will not get the badge.

The badge description didn't say that you had to do the activity in Malaysia except that it got the word "Malaysia". Usually the geo locked badges got a very clear description that you must do the activity in a certain place. If someone lives in Malaysia and got the location setting set to Malaysia and are on vacation in another country they will not get the badges either.

The races badges are geo locked to a certain course, but they do not require that you change the country setting. Just do the required activity in the correct location and you will get the badge. I think that Garmin should have used that mechanism instead of this one with two requirements that can cause issues for the users.


  1. Tapei badges are available now

    1. Thanks. Added to the database now. I will write about very soon.

  2. Also didn't help that there were no course fit files to download that contained the requisite GPS points in-country.

    1. I do have the gpx files of this event. What the differences between fit file and gpx file?

    2. Different file formats. I don't think that GPX files can be used for getting badges. You need to convert it to a FIT file, add a Garmin device and a time if it is a course.

    3. How to convert the file to FIT file? For a Garmin device and time i think can be adjusted once uploaded in the Garmin account isn't?

    4. I use Fit File Repair Tool. The device can't be added in Garmin Connect. Fit File Repair Tool can add the device as well.

  3. FFRT will allow you to import a gpx file into a fit file to get an event badge. Check my posts to get the Garmin Ride Out Badges in august.


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