
Showing posts from February, 2022

March 2022 badges - Cycling Climb and Swimming

Garmin has published the March challenges. Join them now in Garmin Connect. New in this month: Nothing new yet. One challenge hasn't yet been released. It is a promotional step challenge for 400k steps for Starbucks. There is also some coming Tacx distance badges (10, 25, 50, 75 and 100 km cycling). Three month challenges - Stage 1 Last month in Stage 1. The decreased distances for running and biking made those challenges a lot easier to handle together will all other training. Full month challenges March Cycling Climb Join this challenge and climb 10,000 feet in elevation during cycling activities in March. March Walking Join this challenge and record 30 miles of walking activities in March. March Gains Join this challenge and record a total of four hours of strength activities in March. March Rundown Join this challenge and record 50 miles of running activities in March. March Step Month Join this challenge and record 300,000 steps in March. Starbucks March Steps Record 400,000 s...

How to get the Tacx badges without using the Tacx app

In February Garmin added a challenge where you should ride 250 km with Tacx:  Tacx Ride to 250 . There is also a standard badge where you should log one activity with Tacx:  First Tacx Ride You can use the Tacx Training App to get the badges but you are limited to free cycling, a small number of courses and a few other things. Check out what functions are free and what needs a subscription: Tacx Application Subscription Options The price for a subscription is $9.99 USD a month or $99.99 USD a year. There is a also an HD subscription for $13.99 USD a month or $139.99 USD a year. You don't even have to have a Tacx trainer. Instead you can connect a speed sensor like Garmin Speed Sensor 2 and use it as a "virtual trainer" in the app. If you still don't want to log the activities through the Tacx Training App (maybe you like to use Zwift or some other service) then you can follow the guide below. Note! Do not touch activities that belongs to challenges that have ended. ...

Garminbadges Updater Chrome Browser Extension

Today I got the Chrome Browser Extension approved and published in the Chrome Web Store . I've been using it myself for a while and it is working very good. Link to the extension Its only purpose is to get the badge and challenge data from Garmin Connect and upload it to Garmin Badge Database. Install the extension from Chrome Web Store . Enter username and email address for your account in the extension options. Browse to Garmin Connect ( ) and login. Click the extension to display the Update button. Click the Update button and wait until you get the message that the update is finished. There are a number of pros with this solution: You no longer need to enter your Garmin Connect credentials in my site. It will work with 2FA (two factor authentication). It removes the need for my server to do all fetching. Garmin will rate limit my server if many users update their data in the same time period. Now the fetching of data will be distribute...