January 2021 badges - New full year staged challenges!

We have just started the December challenges so next year might feel a bit far into the future, but the challenges for January just came and Garmin added full year challenges divided into four stages. There is also a swimming challenge for January!

2021 Challenges - New from Garmin!

2021 Running - Stage 1

Join this challenge and record 505 kilometers (313.8 miles) of running activities from January 1 to March 31.

Challenge yourself to a yearlong running goal of 2,021 kilometers (1,255.8 miles). This challenge consists of four 3-month stages, so take your running goal one day, week and month at a time to win each challenge badge stage.

2021 Walking - Stage 1

Join this challenge and record 91 miles (146.5 km) of walking activities from January 1 to March 31.

Challenge yourself to a yearlong walking goal of 365 total miles (587.4 km) – one mile per day. This challenge consists of four 3-month stages, so take your walking goal one day, week and month at a time to win each challenge badge stage.

2021 Cycling - Stage 1

Join this challenge and record 505 miles (812.7 km) of cycling activities from January 1 to March 31.

Challenge yourself to a yearlong cycling goal of 2,021 miles (3,252.5 km). This challenge consists of four 3-month stages, so take your cycling goal one day, week and month at a time to win each challenge badge stage.

January Challenges

Step into 2021

Join this challenge and record 115,000 steps from January 1-14.

January Swim Week

Join this challenge and record 1,000 meters of swimming activities from January 10-16.

January Weekend Walking

Join this challenge and record a 3-mile walking activity from January 15-17.

January Ride to 200

Join this challenge and record 200 kilometers of cycling activities from January 10-23.

January Weekend 5K

Join this challenge and record a 5-kilometer running activity from January 22-24.

January Rundown

Join this challenge and record 50 miles of running activities in January.

January Step Month

Join this challenge and record 300,000 steps in January.

New Standard badge


Record 80 hours of running activities in 30 days.

Old Standard badge in January

Strong Start

Record an activity on New Year's Day.

Update 2021-01-02:

No sign yet of the new Enduro badge. I'm checking almost every day now. Garmin sometimes add badges a long time in advance. We will just have to wait and see. I've started my planning for the Enduro badge but it will have to wait until the Spring. It is way to cold now to run for so many hours.

Garmin Badge Database
Garmin Connect
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  1. What I read from this is that there is no all-year challenges per se (ie no extra badge for getting the year long total itself, which I would reach for cycling by Aug/Sept) and what they are doing is dropping the month long challenges for running, walking and cycling and replacing them with 3 monthly ones.

    1. Yes. It isn't really a full year as we know it yet, but there are 4 stages that will span the full year. There might be a badge if you do all 4 stages. Nothing known about that.
      They are not dropping the month long challenges. There is still a 50 miles running badge. The biking in January are for 2 weeks and just 200 km.
      I think they are trying to have challenges that motivate all sorts of people. The really long challenges isn't interesting to everyone. For some it is better with shorter challenges, both in time and distance.

    2. the 80h one is also not that clear, the name has 2020-01 in it, though it clearly is no january badge as that would be 31 days!?

      it is going to be challenging though as that would be 2.6h per day for a month straight. That is going to take some time ;)

    3. I believe that you can do the Enduro badge anytime just like the badge "10K a Day Challenge". It might even be repeatable even though few people will be able to repeat such a feat.

  2. A swimming badge...at last. It's quite an easy one but great to see it there.

    Keep up the fantastic work on the site.

  3. The timing of the swim challenge is wrong. For the example in Poland, all swimming pools are closed by covid at this time. I hope the Garmin team will change time this challenge. Merry Christmas for everyone🎅🏽🎁

    1. Same in a lot of England in tier 4. I think we'll be going into full lockdown again soon, and that will close pools for everyone. Perhaps we just need to find a lake or sea and be brave...

    2. Just came back from the only pool in Amsterdam that isn’t closed due to COVID. Unfortunately it is an outdoor pool, and I am not a good swimmer: Only managed to do 450 meter before subjectieve hypothermia...

  4. So there isn't an Australia Day badge this year? I see from your database that there was previously.

    1. No badge for Australia Day is known for 2021. It might change so do an activity January 26th just in case.

  5. When will we see the badges in Garmin Connect?

    1. They should be available in a day or two, but since they messed up the December yoga challenge we can just hope that they are available before January 1st.

    2. Thanks, I will keep refreshing 😉

    3. Available from today on...

  6. I notice the Cycling Stage 1 states that it starts on 10 January in the CHALLENGE, but 1 January in the badge description. Obviously a typo but I hope this does not mean that rides from 1- 10 Jan do not count.

    1. I've reported that to Garmin Support and hope they fix it quickly. I do think that it means that the rides before the 10th doesn't count, but we will see what happens.

    2. Thanks. the 10 Jan coincidentally is when the January Ride to 200 challenge starts.

    3. I have just checked and all now seems good. Garmin Support have listened to you.

    4. Great! Maybe just not me :-)

  7. I cant see the smimming challenge :(

    1. It isn't available yet. It starts on January 10th so no hurry. Check the current status here: https://garminbadges.com

  8. I have somehow already earned the 115k steps challenge? It says I earned it on 11 December so i think something must be wrong in the badge settings?

    1. Cool! :-) I got it as well and I see that several of my connections also got it.
      I've reported to Garmin Support that the start and end date for the badge is incorrect. It is set to 2020-12-01 through 2020-12-14. That should only affect the visibility of the badge, but it also seems that the challenge dates are incorrect in the backend and awards the badge for those dates.

    2. same here, got it for Dec 9th

  9. Seems they’ve taken this badge down now. Damn, I didn’t get it but would have easily achieved it!

  10. How about this Enduro badge? I can’t see it.

    I mean, 80 hours running in a month is insane, bur I’d like the option at least.

    1. No image published yet and not available. I hope it comes. The hardest badge ever. I've done some planning and it is possible to take, but I guess I have to take a couple of days off from work.

    2. I don't think this badge will ever be published.
      Just think about it: all training plans (including Garmin's own) recommend a day's break between individual workouts, which is almost impossible at 2.3 hours per day.
      I would even go so far as to say that people's health is being played with.

      Just imagine, Anders, you do it for 25 days and then you get problems with your knees or calves. What would you do? Take a break (which would be sensible) or do everything you can to keep going for the last 5 days?

      A few examples:
      An easy marathon of 4 hours would mean 20 marathons for this badge for this month.
      Or 40 half marathons :-)

      I hope that the badge will never be published so as not to tempt me.
      The stage challenges are challenging enough...

      Have a nice day,

    3. I've been doing some planning. My plan is to start with a 100 miles race which will take something like 24 to 36 hours. Probably more likely to be 30-36 hours. No need to hurry. A week later 100 km is up. It will probably take around 15 hours. The total now is 50 hours. One week later it is time for 50 miles. 12 hours more. The last week will be another 50 miles for another 12 hours. The total now is 74 hours. I will need to add 6 hours of easy running in between the long runs.

      Another idea is to start with a 48 or 72 hours run. By doing that it will be very easy runs for the rest of the month.

      I've planned to take 4 days off from work to be able to pull it off.

      My main issues is that I got a family and that there will be other badge challenges during this period that I also would like to do.
      So, the 72 hour run looks interesting (or why not make it 80 hours right away?). I will then do it as a timed race with a set starting time and a set ending time and everything in between will count for the race including time for rest and food. Just like a 48 hours or 6 days race. I will study how 6 days runners plan their races and come up with a similar race plan.

    4. It's a fascinating one, but excessive. 60 hours would have been a touch more achievable but still really demanding. Hopefully they give you more than 8 points for going to all that effort!

    5. Yes. It is an extreme challenge that will require some real effort. Way more tough than anything I've tried before.
      An ultra running friend ran 666 km during december since it is such a nice round number :-) It looked really hard and painful. She ran more or less a half marathon every day, but it was often divided into two runs. I think it took just under 80 hours. She should've waited for the Enduro badge...

  11. I have done 160km of cycling so far in January, but nothing has been added to my Cycling Badges for Jan, walking and running badges are updating distance but cycling isn't. Is there a bug that stops it updating? Any idea how to get around it?

    1. I guess that you have been using Zwift. It has worked before but wasn't officially supported. Garmin recently stopped 3rd party services from being used for badge challenges. You could try to export activity file, add Garmin device to it and then import again.

    2. Mine Zwift rides were counting till thismorning and have all vanished from the badges. Pretty gutting

  12. I dont know if anyone else has noticed but the enduro badge says 2020_01. i think someone at garmin did the classic forget what year it is hahaha

  13. It's not a January challenge exactly, but I have been doing it in January...

    At the weekend I did two separate head-to-head challenges with two of my connections. I won against both of them. I got the Zombie badge but didn't get the Challenge Accepted or Challenge Champ badge. Why would that be?

  14. Ah never mind, they came through, but not at the same time. Odd.

  15. Anyone else having problems just now? I can't access my challenges (they don't appear at all on my app, and on garmin connect it says 'we're having trouble with that') and when I click on a badge it says 'network error'.

    1. No problems for me now. Probably just a temporary or local problem.

    2. Yeah, back to normal now. Lasted a few hours and I was a bit worried.

      Thanks again for outlining the challenges in a post like this. I just finished a 5k and now I've achieved all of the January ones, and on course for the Stage 1s.

      Looking forward to what February brings.

  16. Anders, what's up?
    New badges are already in your database, but no updated summary?
    I need my monthly overview ;-)

    Thanks for the effort, btw...

    Have a nice day,

    1. It has been scheduled for today, but I've pushed it forward due to real work. Will write a post very soon.


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