March 2025 - Challenges and Badges


Join the March challenges now in Garmin Connect.

Three month challenges - Stage 1

Third and last month in Stage 1.

2025 Running - Stage 1
Join this challenge and record 300 kilometers (186.42 miles) of running activities from January 1 to March 31.

2025 Walking - Stage 1
Join this challenge and record 91 miles (146.5 km) of walking activities from January 1 to March 31.

2025 Cycling - Stage 1
Join this challenge and record 675 kilometers (419.43 miles) of cycling activities from January 1 to March 31.

Full month challenges

March Time to Swim
Join this challenge and record 4 hours of swimming activities in March.

March Time to Run
Join this challenge and record 10 hours of running activities in March.

March Time to Ride
Join this challenge and record 20 hours of cycling activities in March.

March Walking
Join this challenge and record 30 miles of walking activities in March.

March Warrior
Join this challenge and record a total of 4 hours of yoga activities in March.

Active March
Join this challenge and record 20 activities of at least 20 minutes each in March.

March Rundown
Join this challenge and record 50 miles of running activities in March.

March Step Month
Join this challenge and record 300,000 steps in March.

March Gains
Join this challenge and record a total of 4 hours of strength activities in March.

Weekend and week challenges

March Swim Week
Join this challenge and record 1,000 meters of swimming activities from March 2-8.

March Ride to 200
Join this challenge and record 200 kilometers of cycling activities from March 2-15.

March Weekend 10K
Join this challenge and record a 10-kilometer running activity from March 14-16.

March Weekend 40K
Join this challenge and record a 40-kilometer cycling activity from March 21-23.

March Weekend Walking
Join this challenge and record a 3-mile walking activity from March 21-23.

March Ride to 100
Join this challenge and record 100 kilometers of cycling activities from March 23-29.

March Weekend 5K
Join this challenge and record a 5-kilometer running activity from March 28-30.

Badges in March

  • Mar 8 - International Women's Day 2025, Record an activity on International Women's Day, March 8, 2025.
  • Mar 8 - Noble Warrior Hero, Record an activity on International Women's Day (March 8) using your Captain Marvel watch.

Garmin Badge Database
Garmin Connect
Change country setting


  1. I only see the Noble Warrior Hero but not the International Women's Day 2025 badge. Anyone sees it?

  2. Bonjour à tous
    Quelqu'un a t il réussit à obtenir le badge sommeil mythique ? Je suis bloqué sur un score de 96
    Y a t il un moyen de contourner les scores de sommeil ?

    1. Good question! My weekly average is around 60 and all-time high is 88. I have no clue how to improve this 🫣

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Start by looking at the sleep score factors. They all need to be excellent for you to get 100 in sleep score. Click each factor and read what you have to do to get a higher score.
      Start with the easier ones then the harder ones will hopefully come.
      My ideal sleep duration is 7h50min. My ideal stress is 15 or lower. Those two values are probably easiest to affect. The sleep stages are harder. Awake time might also be a little easier to affect. I've noted that since I skipped my late night cup of tea and switched it to just hot water I very rarely have to go to the toilet in the middle of the night. So, I still drink the exact same amount of water. Just without the tea.

    4. I have twice had excellent score on all sleep score factors. BUT the combined score was "only" 99. Can anyone tell my why and how to get the last 1 point in score?

    5. Click the sleep factors and see how you can improve it even more.
      With 99 I would have tied editing the sleep times a little to see if that had pushed me to 100.
      I've "only" had 97 so it was a bit too far away.

    6. Finally got the sleeping badge - went on the couch for reading af book at 9.00 p.m - went to bed at 10.00 p.m. In the morning I had a score of 96. Removed the first hour from 9.00 - 10.00 p.m. which my watch has counted as sleep - and voila - my sleeping score changed to 100

  3. There's a reason there is a Unicorn icon on the Mythical Sleep badge. It may as well not exist, though I have a few connections that have earned it.

  4. I was in a pursuit of Legacy Hero badges, especially because they are repeatable (and I like to get some motivation for my strengh and yoga... and many other different activities). Recently I developed some shell utility for editing original FIT files and changing Product ID there. (Some other utilities too.) Good thing is that original FIT file is preserved, i.e. all other bits are still the same, so various specific metrics are preserved (as opposed to re-uploading manually edited TCX file).

    Here's the link:

    Please remove the comment if you think it's irrelevant or spammy :-D

    1. Bonjour
      Bravo pour le fichier mais il semble orienté pour des pros en informatique.
      Avez vous créé un outil qui permet par exemple de modifier un fichier de sommeil pour obtenir un score de 100 pour le sommeil ou autre exemple importer un fichier qui simulerait enregistrer une montre legacy hero ( captain marvel par exemple) tout ça dans le but d obtenir des badges inatteignable sinon

    2. Everybody can learn basics of IT, it's not that hard :-D But yes, I created a tool for myself and those alike.

      If you can get the sleep FIT file before synchronizing, in theory it would be possible to attain the score. But I haven't seen it ever, so probably not. I quite often get a sleep score of 100, I don't the issue with it.

      My main goal was to get legacy hero badges, but without screwing original files, just changing the watch records.

    3. Will I get the legacy badge for a specific watch. I mean there are four badges that you need to own in order to obtain them will your code allow me to obtain them or not?

    4. You can get all those badges that need you to record an activity. IMHO You won't be able to get the one for "adding X watch to connect account"

  5. April challenges now added (not in Connect yet) and there are several new things finally - yay!

    1. How do you see them? I fetch the jsons from connectapi/... (many urls) but I don't see anything new (april) yet. Are you trying to fetch badge jsons by trying out higher numbers?

    2. They are in Garmin Connect now. Some of them require Connect+ which is a paid version of Garmin Connect.

    3. I just check the XML file at

      Hadn't heard of a paid version of Connect before 🫤

    4. nobody had before today:

    5. Thanks, yes, I found out about it from Andy's April post. I'll start the free trial on April 1st when the new challenges begin.


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