May 2024 - Challenges and Badges


Join the May challenges now in Garmin Connect.

Three month challenges - Stage 2

Second month in stage 2

2024 Running - Stage 2
Join this challenge and record 300 kilometers (186.5 miles) of running activities from April 1 to June 30.

2024 Walking - Stage 2
Join this challenge and record 91 miles (146.5 km) of walking activities from April 1 to June 30.

2024 Cycling - Stage 2
Join this challenge and record 675 kilometers (419.5 miles) of cycling activities from April 1 to June 30.

Full month challenges

May Time to Swim
Join this challenge and record 4 hours of swimming activities in May.

May Time to Walk
Join this challenge and record 15 hours of walking activities in May.

May Time to Run
Join this challenge and record 10 hours of running activities in May.

May Time to Ride
Join this challenge and record 20 hours of cycling activities in May.

May Walking
Join this challenge and record 30 miles of walking activities in May.

May Tour
Join this challenge and record 400 kilometers of cycling activities in May.

May Warrior
Join this challenge and record a total of 4 hours of yoga activities in May.

Active May
Join this challenge and record 20 activities of at least 20 minutes each in May.

May Swim
Join this challenge and record 4,000 meters of swimming activities in May.

May Rundown
Join this challenge and record 50 miles of running activities in May.

May Step Month
Join this challenge and record 300,000 steps in May.

May Gains
Join this challenge and record a total of 4 hours of strength activities in May.

May 15K
Join this challenge and record a 15-kilometer running activity in May.

May Cycling Climb
Join this challenge and climb 10,000 feet in elevation during cycling activities in May.

Weekend and week challenges

Step into May
Join this challenge and record 100,000 steps from May 1-14.

May Weekend 5K
Join this challenge and record a 5-kilometer running activity from May 3-5.

May Ride to 200
Join this challenge and record 200 kilometers of cycling activities from May 5-18.

May Weekend Walking
Join this challenge and record a 3-mile walking activity from May 10-12.

May Weekend 40K
Join this challenge and record a 40-kilometer cycling activity from May 24-26.

Badges in May

  • April 27 - May 6 - Golden Week 2024, Record an activity during Golden Week, April 27-May 6, 2024. Country: Japan
  • May 1 - International Workers' Day 2024, Record an activity on International Workers' Day, May 1, 2024. Country: Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Spain, France, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Romania, Sweden, Taiwan (more countries will work but these are the ones I've tested with)
  • May 4 - Light. Darkness. A Balance, Record an activity on May 4 using your Rey watch.
  • May 4 - Impressive. Most Impressive, Record an activity on May 4 using your Darth Vader watch.
  • May 12 - Garmin Iron Triathlon Żyrardów (1/2 Ironman) 2024, Complete the Garmin Iron Triathlon (1/2 Ironman) in Żyrardów, Poland, on May 12, 2024.
  • May 12 - Garmin Iron Triathlon Żyrardów (1/4 Ironman) 2024, Complete the Garmin Iron Triathlon (1/4 Ironman) in Żyrardów, Poland, on May 12, 2024.
  • May 12 - Garmin Iron Triathlon Żyrardów (1/8 Ironman) 2024, Complete the Garmin Iron Triathlon (1/8 Ironman) in Żyrardów, Poland, on May 12, 2024.
  • May 19 - Garmin Iron Triathlon Płock (1/8 Ironman) 2024, Complete the Garmin Iron Triathlon (1/8 Ironman) in Płock, Poland, on May 19, 2024.
  • May 19 - Garmin Iron Triathlon Płock (1/4 Ironman) 2024, Complete the Garmin Iron Triathlon (1/4 Ironman) in Płock, Poland, on May 19, 2024.
  • May 19 - Garmin Iron Triathlon Płock (1/2 Ironman) 2024, Complete the Garmin Iron Triathlon (1/2 Ironman) in Płock, Poland, on May 19, 2024.
  • May 19 - Rimi Riga Marathon 2024, Run the Rimi Riga Marathon in Riga, Latvia, on May 19, 2024.
  • May 19 - Rimi Riga Half Marathon 2024, Run the Rimi Riga Half Marathon in Riga, Latvia, on May 19, 2024.
  • May 19 - Rimi Riga Marathon 10K 2024, Run the Rimi Riga Marathon 10K in Riga, Latvia, on May 19, 2024.
  • May 19 - Rimi Riga Marathon 5K 2024, Run the Rimi Riga Marathon 5K in Riga, Latvia, on May 19, 2024.

Garmin Badge Database
Garmin Connect
Change country setting


  1. International Worker's Day - I've got the Netherlands as my country and the badge is visible, so probably no country limits.

    1. I switched country to Argentina and the badge disappeared. So, there is some country restriction but not the same as previous years. I've only tested a few countries now.
      Netherlands and Sweden work.
      Argentina and USA do not work.

    2. Last month I changed the country on my Connect profile for a badge. I synchronized with my Forerunner 935 and a crazy thing happened: the device started up in first setup mode as if I had done a restore, and later it froze. After forcibly rebooting it, it started up continuously in a loop. I could no longer get it to work. After almost 10 years, it abandoned me. I don't know if it was the country change that sent it down, but there was this coincidence 🤷

  2. Just got the Loy Kratong 2023 badge out of nowere, lol.

    Changed my country to Japan, the easy way to get the two special badges this month.

    1. For the King's day you must change to Netherlands.

    2. Wich one is the King's day?

    3. I have a activity april 27 a just changed my country to Netherlands. Do you think that I will get the King's badge?

    4. If you do an edit to the activity you will get the badge...if the country change was successful.

    5. And that's how I got Loy Kratong 2023. I edited a activity without knowing that was eligible for the bagde. So in theory... I can grab other badges last year as well (if my country settings are correct, of course)?

    6. Yes. You can get them all. Same with the badges without country restrictions like New Year's Eve and Day for many years back in time.

    7. I noticied that I lost Loy Kratong when a I got the King's Badge. Any way to avoid this?

    8. Make sure you don't make any edits to the activity that you used for getting the badge. As soon as an activity is edited in any way it will be evaluated for badges. If the country now is incorrect you will lose the badge.

    9. What is this Loy Krathong badge? I don't see it "announced" in garminbadges. Have we all missed this badge? I wonder how many other badges there can be that we don't know about, because nobody from the country syncs with garminbadges...

    10. All known badges are in the database. Loy Krathong is in November and there have been three years with that badge so far: 2021, 2022 and 2023.

    11. I change that to "all existing badges are in the database". There are no missing badges.

  3. International Workers' Day is available for Germany as well.

    1. Yes. Germany, Spain, France, Denmark, Italy, Romania work. Adding them now. Not India. It seems like most European countries are working.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It is listed in the April post:

  5. Hi e7andy, International Worker's Day works even for Czechia.

  6. I just received some email from garmin in Japanese. This is the 1st time I notice something "strange" is happening because on the country I choose :) I wonder if anyone noticed any difference regarding the country other than the badges we see and the marketing(?) emails we get from garmin?

  7. Bonjour à tous
    Savez vous si les données sommeil peuvent être modifiées ? J arrive à extraire les données mais pas à insérer un fichier quelque soit l extension utilisée

    1. You can edit the data in Garmin Connect. Adjust the times or add sleep if missing. Not importing files.

  8. I have just completed a 5km walk here in NZ where it is 10 May. No badge was awarded - I can see the badge as being available in Garmin Connect. Very weird / frustrating!

    1. It works if you leave the challenge and join it again.

    2. Thanks Andy - yes that fixed it!

  9. A new expedition coming soon ? Via Transilvanica.

    1. Yes. It should come very soon. 1400 km.

    2. It's visible for me in GC this morning. Had hoped it might be 8 points but only 4.

    3. I saw and added it to the database this morning, but it is now removed. It will come back soon.

  10. Have the 50k Ultra, 50-Mile Ultra and 100k Ultra disappeared for everyone else? I no longer see them in the 'Available' section under Badges on Connect

    1. They are still in Garmin Connect. Maybe you already have them? Then they will be in the Earned page.

  11. Is there any problem with Garmin badges being displayed in Google calender? I don't find any of Garmin badges. Nevertheless, Garmin challenges are visible.

    1. I see the badges. Note that there are two calendars. One for challenges and one for badges. Next date with badges is on Sunday with 7 badges.

    2. Yes, the settings with 2 calendars are correct. I can see challenges, but not the badges. I deleted and added it again, there's no change.

    3. If you browse to the badge calendar URL an ICS file will be downloaded. Does it look ok? You should see a key value file with the badge name in the SUMMARY and a DESCRIPTION with the text.

  12. Hallo Andi,

    Irgendwie scheint es trotz Umstellung auf Lettland bei dem Rimi Riga Marathon Halbmarathon 10k und 5k Abzeichen nicht zu funktionieren das die Abzeichen komm bin einmal 5k und einmal 10k gelaufen anscheinend muss man doch in Lettland laufen das merkwürdig ist aber ich sehe die Abzeichen auch auf Umstellung von Japan und Deutschland. Deshalb wundert mich das. Dir noch schöne Pfingsten wünsch

    1. That is how race badges works. You must do the race at the location.

  13. June challenges are up/available

    1. Thank you. New post published.

    2. @Sunil. To see the badges in advance you can look in this file:
      Those are the text strings that are used for the badges. Garmin always update that file before the badges are published.

    3. I still don't see any June badges. Or have I overlooked here?

    4. They are not yet public. Garmin publish the text strings usually 1-2 weeks in advance. Garmin then publish the badges usually 1-3 days before the new month. After that you can join the challenges and see all new badges.
      The new expedition is available in Connect now.

    5. I don't see the text strings in the link which was posted by you Andy.

    6. Do you see some text? It is a massive key value file. In the end of that page you see the new badges.

    7. I see lot of texts, the last text line I see is June 5th - Global Running Day.

    8. You are viewing your cached version of that page. Reload without cache and you should see it.

    9. That's right. I tried to reset the cache and reload the site, I could see the badges. I have disabled cache on my browser :D

  14. 1st I thought he might ask for crowd funding a flight to Riga, but then I realized he's looking for a time machine :)


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