Some last site updates in 2023
Calendars The badges calendar now supports the userId parameter (just like the challenges calendar). If you add that parameter it will only show the badges you can take. Note that the repeatable badges will always show. Example calendar URL to show my badges (my userId is 286): Badge count for repeatable badges If you view a badge and click the link "[View users with badge]" you will get to page with all users that got that badge. The count for each user is now added as a new column. View list for Finish Strong Estimated finish date for Expeditions In the latest update for the Chrome Extension and Python Script the join date for the expeditions are fetched from Garmin. That makes it possible to calculate a finish date for the expeditions. It will use your current progress and time from the join date and from that extrapolate the finish date. You can also see your join date which is display...