December 2023 - Challenges and Badges - Last month of the year!

Join the December challenges in Garmin Connect.

Three month challenges - Stage 4

Last month in the final stage. There is still time to complete them all.

Full month challenges

December Time to Swim
Join this challenge and record 4 hours of swimming activities in December.

December Time to Run
Join this challenge and record 10 hours of running activities in December.

December Time to Ride
Join this challenge and record 20 hours of cycling activities in December.

December Time to Walk
Join this challenge and record 15 hours of walking activities in December.

December Walking
Join this challenge and record 30 miles of walking activities in December.

December Tour
Join this challenge and record 400 kilometers of cycling activities in December.

December Warrior
Join this challenge and record a total of four hours of yoga activities in December.

Active December
Join this challenge and record 20 activities of at least 20 minutes each in December.

December Swim
Join this challenge and record 4,000 meters of swimming activities in December.

December Rundown
Join this challenge and record 50 miles of running activities in December.

December Step Month
Join this challenge and record 300,000 steps in December.

December Gains
Join this challenge and record a total of four hours of strength activities in December.

Weekend and week challenges

December Ride to 200
Join this challenge and record 200 kilometers of cycling activities from December 3-16.

December Weekend 10K
Join this challenge and record a 10-kilometer running activity from December 8-10.

12 Days of Fitness
Join this challenge and record 10 activities of at least 20 minutes each from December 20-31.

December Weekend Walking
Join this challenge and record a 3-mile walking activity from December 22-24.

December Weekend 5K
Join this challenge and record a 5-kilometer running activity from December 29-31.

December Weekend 40K
Join this challenge and record a 40-kilometer cycling activity from December 29-31.

Badges in December

  • Dec 10 - Garmin Run 2023 - Japan, Country: Japan
    • Garmin Run 2023 - Japan 5K, Record a 5K run during Garmin Run Japan on December 10, 2023.
    • Garmin Run 2023 - Japan 10K, Record a 10K run during Garmin Run Japan on December 10, 2023.
    • Garmin Run 2023 - Japan 21K, Record a 21K run during Garmin Run Japan on December 10, 2023.
  • Dec 22 - 2023 Winter Solstice, Record an activity on Winter Solstice, December 22, 2023. Country: In previous years it was availabe in Hong Kong and Taiwan
  • Dec 31 - Garmin Run 2023 - Hong Kong, Country: Hong Kong
    • Garmin Run 2023 - Hong Kong 1K, Record a 1K run during Garmin Run Hong Kong on December 31, 2023.
    • Garmin Run 2023 - Hong Kong 10K, Record a 10K run during Garmin Run Hong Kong on December 31, 2023.
    • Garmin Run 2023 - Hong Kong 21K, Record a 21K run during Garmin Run Hong Kong on December 31, 2023.
  • Dec 31 - Finish Strong, Record an activity on New Year's Eve.
  • Don't forget! Jan 1 2024 - Strong Start, Record an activity on New Year's Day.

Other new badges

  • Down Under, Complete the Down Under challenge in the Tacx Training app.
  • Tacx GroupRide, Complete a GroupRide in the Tacx app.
    • This badge was added in November but was suddenly removed. Hope to see it back again soon.

Garmin Badge Database
Garmin Connect
Change country setting


  1. Thanks as ever Andy for your very useful website. I have no idea whether the Tacx GroupRide badge will ever return, but it might save some people some frustration if you delete that badge from the "available" list. By way of example, I set up multiple Tacx group rides trying unsuccessfully to get that badge. Not until Mishonsa's comment in your previous post did I finally realize that the GroupRide badge was no longer (and may never have been) winnable. This shows how much I rely on :)

    1. Good input and sorry for the inconvenience. I've marked the Tacx GroupRide as inactive.
      It was available in Garmin Connect for a few days and was probably removed because it didn't work.

    2. Hi Team, is there any way to get these kind of badges without having a subscription (so paying) Tacx?

    3. You must have a subscription, but you cancel it when you are done. I will soon get the subscription again to get the new badges.

  2. What's this down under challenge? Can't see it in the Tacx app

    1. Note that these are challenges and badges announced by Garmin. That doesn't mean they are available yet.

  3. Hopefully Garmin comes up with some new challenges for the next year. The challenges are becoming somewhat boring! What do you guys think?

  4. Beste, Andy
    Kan je op 10 december de Garmin Run Badges bij een 42 km loop al de badges verdienen van 5 km, 10 km en 21 km in 1 en dezelfde loop of moet je deze onderverdelen in 3 loopjes of moet je daar een multisport opname voor maken ?

    Mvg, Rik en bedankt voor de support

    1. You must split the run in one part for each badge. A multisport activity should work.

    2. Beste, Zullen dat eens moeten testen. Bedankt

    3. Hi Andy,
      I have never used Multisport up2now, so what do I need to do tomorrow for the Japan Run badge?
      Start one multisport activity and then stop after 5km and start another?
      Thanks for your support, and keep up the good work on this site!
      Have a nice weekend,

    4. Tomorrow you just log it as running. Stop and save for each badge.

  5. I saw this morning that the Tacx GroupRide badge is available again and tried again. Just got it :) Go for it Mishonsa...

    1. Thank you! I enabled the badge in the database again.

    2. Is it possible to do a group ride from the iPhone App? And if so how do I do one - sorry new to TacX (much prefer Zwift!)

  6. Hi dmmac, the Tacx GroupRide function on iPhone seems to work as on Android but I can’t prove the badge award without creating a new account since the badge is not repeatable. FWIW, here is how I got the GroupRide badge without coordinating with another rider:
    I created an alternate Garmin Connect account and logged in on Tacx Desktop (PC) and connected to my trainer using an Ant+ dongle. I picked a movie, filtering for a short easy ride, e.g. “Bestorming van de Bosstraat”. Note that the seven or so Tacx movies with “run” or “running” in the title will cause GC to record the ride as a run. I clicked the “Create GroupRide” button under my selected movie and copied the email link to notify others. I sent the link to myself and then opened the link from my phone. That link popped up Tacx, already configured for my GC main account and to my trainer using Bluetooth. I then started the rides on both PC and phone. I saved the rides upon completion, but may not have needed to complete the whole course to earn the badge.
    I already had a Tacx premium subscription for my main account but I don’t believe that you need to pay Tacx for the GroupRide functionality. . I did not pay for a premium subscription for my alternate account, but the first 10 days are free anyway.
    Both my GC accounts earned the badge so you should also be able to switch the order around, creating the GroupRide in your main account and notifying your alternate account or someone else who will join.
    Final note, I almost always Zwift and Tacx in parallel, one app on my PC (Ant+) and one on my phone (Bluetooth).

  7. Hello everyone, it's much easier: open the Tacx app, open the demo film "Martigny Vineyards Demo", go to "Create GroupRide", close the windows that open and "Start GroupRide". End the 2 km ride, done!
    Since the film is free for everyone, it should also work without a premium subscription.

    1. Thanks again Mic - did this yesterday and worked perfectly!

    2. Hello Microphone. How to get triathlon badges ?

  8. Great insight Mic! Indeed much easier to pick one of the demo movies since they already simulate other riders.

  9. Thanks Voyager and Mic - very much appreciated!

  10. Down Under badge now showing as available in Garmin Connect

  11. Hi,
    Is there any way to find out when the badge was awarded?

    1. If you click the badge in Garmin Connect you see when you earned it.

  12. The December 2023 cycling badges don't seem to recognise the Rouvy uploads. I am sure they did during previous months. Any ideas what to do differently?

    1. You must log your activities with a Garmin device for them to count for challenges. If it ever worked it was an error.

    2. OK, thanks. Good to know. I used to log my Rouvy rides with my Garmin watch on the side but Rouvy improved the Garmin integration and so I recently stopped logging in Rouvy and Garmin. I will look into that further and report if I find anything different.

  13. Today I discovered that my medals won during the Garmin Run 2023 - Japan no longer appear... do you know what could have happened?

    1. Probably an edit of some kind. Not sure exactly what triggers updates of activities. Add the badges back.

    2. I did what you recommended and it worked. Thank you very much!

  14. Badge Loy Krathong disappeared too ...

    1. Add it back. Change country again. Do an edit to the activity that awarded you with the badge.

  15. Winter Solstice 2023 was not on Google calendar?

    1. Google only update external calendars about once per day. The Solstice badge came very late and was added during the day yesterday, so there was no time to get it into Google.
      If you logged an activity yesterday you can still get the badge. Change country and make an edit to the activity.

  16. Hi Andy!
    Nothing about Garmin and badges. Just - Merry Christmas and thanks for all!


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