August 2023 - Challenges and Badges - GoPro Fitness HERO

Join the August challenges now in Garmin Connect!

New this month: GoPro Fitness HERO. Log 11 activities of at least one hour each. The challenge is active from August 1 to August 31.

Three month challenges - Stage 3

Second month in stage 3. 

Full month challenges

August Walking
Join this challenge and record 30 miles of walking activities in August.
August Tour
Join this challenge and record 400 kilometers of cycling activities in August.
August Warrior
Join this challenge and record a total of four hours of yoga activities in August.
Active August
Join this challenge and record 20 activities of at least 20 minutes each in August.
August Swim
Join this challenge and record 4,000 meters of swimming activities in August.
August Rundown
Join this challenge and record 50 miles of running activities in August.
August Step Month
Join this challenge and record 300,000 steps in August.
August Gains
Join this challenge and record a total of four hours of strength activities in August.
GoPro Fitness HERO
Join this challenge and record 11 activities of at least one hour each. In August.

Weekend and week challenges

Step into August
Join this challenge and record 100,000 steps from August 1-14.
August Weekend 40K
Join this challenge and record a 40-kilometer cycling activity from August 4-6.
August Weekend 5K
Join this challenge and record a 5-kilometer running activity from August 11-13.
August Ride to 200
Join this challenge and record 200 kilometers of cycling activities from August 20-26.
August Weekend 10K
Join this challenge and record a 10-kilometer running activity from August 25-27.
August Weekend Walking
Join this challenge and record a 3-mile walking activity from August 25-27.

Badges in August

  • Aug 9 - National Day of Singapore, Record an activity on Singapore National Day, Country: Singapore
  • Aug 17 - Hari Kemerdekaan RI, Record an activity on August 17. Country: Indonesia
  • Aug 20 - Garmin Ride Out 2023, Ride the Garmin Ride Out for Action Medical Research in New Forest, United Kingdom, on August 20, 2023. Countries: UK (Ireland currently not working)
  • Aug 27 - Telcel Mexico City Marathon 2023, Run the Telcel Mexico City Marathon in Mexico City on August 27, 2023.
  • Aug 31 - Merdeka Day, Record an activity on Merdeka Day, Country: Malaysia

Web site updates

  • Calendar updates
    • Number of points for the badge added.
    • Links to badge pages added.


  • 2023-07-31 - GoPro Fitness HERO is now active. It is active August 1 to August 31.
  • 2023-08-01 - Added badges Hari Kemerdekaan RI and Garmin Ride Out 2023.
  • 2023-08-16 - All badges are now live. Note that Garmin Ride Out 2023 doesn't work in Ireland even if it is listed in the event page: Garmin Ride Out

Garmin Badge Database
Garmin Connect
Change country setting


  1. The cycling 200km has always been a 2 week challenge so here is hoping a typo and it will be 13th to 26th, otherwise that is going to be tough.

    1. I just realised that myself and double checked the data. The dates are written like that, but there can be a typo by Garmin.
      28.6 km per day will be tough. Maybe with a long ride of 100 km on Sunday and then a few shorter rides during they week.

    2. Or the typo is Ride to 100 not 200.

    3. Yes. That is more logical. We had a 200 km challenge in August.

    4. 200 Kms in a week is too much!

    5. It's still 200 km in 1 week 😩

    6. mathematically speaking not, but for me it could: I might be able to pull a 100k week with some effort, but nowhere near 400k a month

  2. There will also be a Garmin Ride Out 2023 badge (UK only ?) to look out for in August.

    1. It isn't announced yet. I will look for it. It is likely only for UK and Ireland according to the site:

  3. Hi Andy
    First of all thank you for the work done, all this is very useful.
    My question is about walking badges. Indeed I do a lot of hiking and I do not feel that it is counted in the challenge. Can you confirm ?
    Good day.

    1. I confirm that hiking doesn't count for walking. You must log it as walking for it to count. A workaround is to log it as walking and after you got the badge you change them to hiking to get the correct stats.

  4. I can't fing the GoPro Fitness HERO challenge...? I'm in Sweden.

    1. I don't think it is public yet. Will probably not come during the weekend. Check again Monday evening or Tuesday.

    2. It's up now, and looks like you only have until end of August to get the 11 hours.

    3. Also the comment is interesting in the badge description "This reward challenge has limited spots. Once capacity is met, the challenge will close and can no longer be joined."

    4. @dmmac. Thanks. Added. It was the same text for the Starbucks challenge.

    5. Is the GoPro badge location based? I still don't have it in Ireland.

    6. @Krisz. I've checked twice with Ireland and I see the badge. Check the country setting here:

    7. Thanks for checking. Location is Ireland and definitely not in the list. I changed location to UK and I could join. Strangely when I changed my location back to Ireland the badge dissappeared from my challenge list. Maybe I leave location on UK until I complete and then I change back...

    8. @Krisz. Yeah, you are right. It was very odd when I tested. I changed to Ireland and saw it, then I changed to Faroe Islands and it disappeared. After that I changed to Ireland again and the badge came back. I now did the same test again and I can't see it.

  5. I like the new fitnesshero challenge. It's a shame we don't get more challanges like this. Every month it's still more or less the same and that's boring. Why, for example, are some monthly challenges not sorted, for example the activity of strength as training. 4h for bronze, 8h for silver, 12h for gold. Similarly, it can also be for running, steps, cycling, whatever. More motivation and fun. Just like collecting badges, it is exciting and motivating, just like a real life game. There are tons of ideas for badges both difficult and less difficult. For example, badges for completed distance within a certain time, for example 5km in 20/25/30min, swimming in the pool, hiking, swimming or cycling expeditions, climbing floors per day or that activity and much more.

  6. Fyi, lots of new badges have just been listed.

  7. You write about GoPro Fitness HERO:
    Works in pretty much all countries except (so far):
    Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Philippines.
    If you find more countries then please send them to me.
    IT does not work in the Faroe Islands either.

    1. Thank you. I will add Faroe Islands to the list.

    2. In Ukraine it doesn't work too

  8. @e7andy, I don't see the Hari Kemerdekaan RI in the calendar. Should I change to Indonesia in order to see it? Isn't the whole point of the calendar that I see that there's an activity to do on that day in ... country, and then I change country for the activity?

    1. That is the point of the calendar, but that badge doesn't exists yet. We are waiting for Garmin to make it public.

  9. Hi Andy a question about the badges National Day of Singapore and Merdeka Day is this badges especially made for 2023 or is this a yearly badges and if you earned it you don't get it this year? Because i don't see the badges in the status available and earned the badges a couple years ago. For the most national day badges Garmin made for this year a special badge for 2023 and mine question is this also for the National Day of Singapore and Merdeka Day badges. Thanks for your answer

    1. The bagdes for National Day of Singapore and Merdeka Day are the old ones and if you already got them you can't get them again.

  10. I think I just lost access to the GoPro Hero badge. Am I alone on this?

    1. Did you switch country? Switch back and you should see it again.

  11. May somebody explain me why Hari Kemerdekaan RI is repeteable and how to achieve several times the badge?

    1. It might be a mistake or it is set as repeatable so you can take it again next year.

  12. FYI. I have been able to get the Garmin Ride Out 2023 badge the same way as in previous years. Edit a ride longer than the badge requirement, in my case a 61 mile ride I did last week, and use FFRT to edit the fit file by 'adding position data from gpx file' using garmin's gpx file for the event.

    1. Can you write some more. How to convert FFRT? what program

    2. I have today's activity of 85 km, but I can't replace the GPS

    3. FFRT = fitfilerepairtool

    4. THX
      that's what I'm having trouble with
      By installing this software
      I keep fighting

  13. Did anyone get the Merdeka Day badge? I had 3 activities today, and then I realized that I forgot to change the country to Malaysia before hand, so I did what I did many times in the past: 1. changed to the desired country on the website, 2. synced in GCM app, 3. edited one of the activities, 4. synced again. Usually this immediately gave me the badge, but not this time

    1. It isn't repeatable. Maybe you already have it.

    2. It's repeatable - but you need to have activity tat this day 17 Aug in your account. Change country to Malaysia, edit name activity at 17 Aug (add any symbol, after it correct name to back). And this badge will be assign to you.... I've added all celebrating badges in July/Aug (because every day I've got 2-3 activities)

    3. Merdeka day (Malaysia), August 31, isn't repeatable. Hari Kemerdekaan RI (Indonesia), August 17, is repeatable and this year was the first time you could get it.


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