July 2023 - Next Disney challenge and Tanabata Festival

Join the July challenges now in Garmin Connect!

New this month: The next Disney challenge is up. You need to do at least 10k steps every day for 10 consecutive days. We also got a new badge for the Tanabata festival in Japan.

Three month challenges - Stage 3

2023 Running - Stage 3
Join this challenge and record 300 kilometers (186.5 miles) of running activities from July 1 to September 30.

2023 Walking - Stage 3
Join this challenge and record 91 miles (146.5 km) of walking activities from July 1 to September 30.

2023 Cycling - Stage 3
Join this challenge and record 675 kilometers (419.5 miles) of cycling activities from July 1 to September 30.

Full month challenges

Step into the Disney Magic
Join this Disney 100 Years of Wonder challenge and record 10,000 steps a day in 10 consecutive days in July. Country: Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Poland, Sweden, Slovenia, Thailand, United States

July Tour
Join this challenge and record 400 kilometers of cycling activities in July.

July Warrior
Join this challenge and record a total of four hours of yoga activities in July.

Active July
Join this challenge and record 20 activities of at least 20 minutes each in July.

July Swim
Join this challenge and record 4,000 meters of swimming activities in July.

July Rundown
Join this challenge and record 50 miles of running activities in July.

July Step Month
Join this challenge and record 300,000 steps in July.

July Gains
Join this challenge and record a total of four hours of strength activities in July.

July Cycling Climb
Join this challenge and climb 10,000 feet in elevation during cycling activities in July.

Weekend and week challenges

July Weekend 40K
Join this challenge and record a 40-kilometer cycling activity from July 7-9.
July Weekend 10K
Join this challenge and record a 10-kilometer running activity from July 14-16.
July Ride to 200
Join this challenge and record 200 kilometers of cycling activities from July 16-29.

Badges in July

  • July 4 - No, You Move, Record an activity on Steve Rogers' birthday (July 4) using your First Avenger watch.
  • July 7- 2023 Tanabata FestivalRecord an activity on Tanabata Festival, July 7, 2023, Country: Japan
  • July 16 - BBVA Mexico City Half Marathon 2023, Run the BBVA Mexico City Half Marathon in Mexico City on July 16, 2023. Country: Mexico. Note that this is a race badge and might also require that you run the correct course at location in Mexico City. 

Garmin Badge Database
Garmin Connect
Change country setting


  1. Thank you.
    Why "2023 Tanabata Festival" badge not present in "Garmin Badge" calendar?

    1. The calendars are generated automatically from the badges in the database and it hasn't been added yet. It will be added when Garmin makes it public.

    2. Hello. How can i see badge in calendar. Thank you

    3. @Dejan. It is described in the calendars page: https://garminbadges.com/calendar
      Add a subscription into your calendar app.

    4. Hey Andy, i've got the phenix 6 pro
      I started a floor climbing activity on a set of stairs in a park. The total ascent stopped at 235m even if i was still going up. I was trying to get the virtual climbing badge ( around 1000 ft ). The total ascent never changed, do you know the reason?

      On the same spot i managed to get my 735ft badge, but i believed it also stopped around 235meter.

      please let me know if you know anything about it , thanks

    5. @florian. No idea. It is because of some issue with the watch. Just continue going up and down.

    6. @florian. It happened also to me. Ones with Instinct and ones with Fenix6 in walking activity, when I walked up/down hill repeatable. Reason is unknown. Some issue with barometer sensor? I don't know. Anyway it happened only ones with each watch, and I have maybe 100 such activities. So keep going. ;)

  2. Hi, Stage 3 cycling challenge and monthls cycling challenge seems to be unfair when compared with running activities. 675 kilometers for 3 months and 400 kms of that to be completed in one month, whereas for running, it is 80 kilometers for a month and 300 kilometers for 3 months. Seems not balanced, isn't it?

    1. I think that you should see each badge separately from the other badges. They are not connected.
      Personally I believe that the monthly running should be 100 miles each month to be a bit more challenging. Then it would be more balanced.

    2. I too believe that, and even the stages badge for cycling should be around 1400 kilometers each stage as 400 kilometers would anyway be completed in one month.

    3. But, surely the cycling 3 month challenges are aimed at different people than the monthly ones ?

    4. Too bad there is no MTB challenge also... I can't do those biking distances in the woods (I mean, I can but I have a job :-P)

    5. MTB is my main activity, riding 2 or 3 times a week they are attainable and obviously, easier in the summer. I think the monthly and quarterly totals are about right though 1pt for the monthly tour is too low (it used to be 2pts).

  3. I'm happy with the badge for running at 50 miles , it make people that aren't training like pro able to have a challenge and push there training more and more , because it's accessible. It's my first time around that i get the 3 month badge after year of running , reaching the 50 miles was a first step for me , made me push more , if it was 100 i would have feel like it was never something i could do .

    1. I think you're right and congrats Steph! Good luck for the next stage!

    2. I think the 50 Mile badge should be a "repeatable" badge for every 30 days. 50 miles is a lot for most people. Half of my friends who run and have Garmin can't get to 50. I think something like 30 miles would be better, and 50 miles too but as "repeatable".

      Perhaps 30, 50, and 100 for those who want to go for it?

  4. With the Tanabata Festival being in Japan only, and the Disney badges not being available for Japan - any idea whether the 10 days will need to start again if I change country to Japan on 7 July and change back to NZ on 8 July?

    1. Good question. I think that it will work. It might even work if you just change to a correct country on the 10th day, but I will not test that 😊

    2. Althugh it should be ok, ..you can always edit an event for the Tanabata badge later on, so if in the middle of a sequence, why risk it ?

    3. Well, the badge would be available only on July 7th. So if you want to change one of the activities from July 7th after 10 days, perhaps the badge may not be awarded!

    4. I would quickly change the country to Japan and record a breathing activity wherein, I don't need to move. Then change the country to your home country and do "normal" activities.

    5. So, did anybody test it, if changing the country to Japan resets the Disney challenge? 😉

    6. I changed it, got the badge and Disney challenge is still intact!

    7. An addition to the Tanabata badge. Today I changed the country to Japan, adjusted the activity date from 7/7/2023 to 7/11/2023. Closed and reopened Garmin Connect and again changed the activity date back to the original 7/7/2023. And the result is a Tanabata Festival badge.

    8. You could achieve the same thing by just changing the activity name after changing country to Japan. Less admin :-)

    9. I didn't know that. Less work, faster result. Good advice. Thx

  5. Hi,
    I have lost the personal records for "Running activity" after changing the activity for "Indoor Cycling". I did that because I had tied the watch to my ankle as I wanted the steps to be counted. Is there anyway to get the personal records for running back?

    1. Did you accept a new record? Then you can't get it back.

    2. Could this be a bug? Well, I had accepted the recent accomplishment as my personal record. If I change the current activity, I should still be awarded my previous accomplishment as my personal record and not delete the entire stuff

    3. I don't understand what you are experiencing. A personal record you've accepted in Garmin Connect will never be overwritten or removed unless you do that yourself by accepting new record or deleting the record.

      It is probably better if you do a post at Garmin Forums with screenshots of what you see: https://forums.garmin.com/apps-software/mobile-apps-web/f/garmin-connect-web

    4. I accepted the new personal record for running activity and then I changed the same activity type from running to indoor cycling. I lost my running activity personal record. I had accomplished the same personal record 2 months ago, I don't see the personal record that I had accomplished 2 months ago as well.

    5. Well, if it works like that it sounds like it is a feature. You can't get a running record for an indoor cycling activity.

    6. True that I shouldn't get a running personal record accomplishment for indoor cycling, but I should still get the record that I had achieved for running activity 2 months ago. I don't understand why have I lost the record that I achieved 2 months ago?

    7. Post in Garmin Forums. It is a lot easier to discuss there. Records are usually connected to an activity. Do you still have that activity?

    8. Yes, I still have that activity.

    9. Is it linked in the personal records page? https://connect.garmin.com/modern/personal-records

    10. I see only for 1 KM, i mile and 5 KM, whereas I had personal records for 10K and 15 K as well.

    11. Click customize list and add them. A record for 15 km doesn't exist so you can't have that.

    12. It isn't on the list, but if you run more than 15 KMs, you do get that. Many times I have completed 15 KMs. I don't see personal record for 10 KM as well.

    13. Have you clicked customize list and selected all available records?

    14. Well, I did post my query on Garmin forums and got the reply quite quickly. Here's the workaround:


      One can manually set the personal record here by selecting the activity. Unfortunately, I cannot select the record for 15 KM as it is not unable in the customised list. But, if I again run 15 KM or more anytime, I might get it.

    15. A record for 15 km doesn't exist so you can't get it. Only the records in the list are available.
      The watch might have other records and tell you that you achieved your fastest x km, but they are not logged in Garmin Connect.

  6. Anyone knows why there's no 15km running challenge for July? I think they were there for number of consecutive months in the past... a bit disappointing

    1. Garmin are changing the challenges from time to time. The 15k has been there for 5 months. Before that it was pretty rare. About 3 times per year.

    2. For this month, it is 10K. I have no issues with this. Just do 15K instead of 10K?

      July Weekend 10K
      Join this challenge and record a 10-kilometer running activity from July 14-16.

    3. I have seen this many times, like whenever you have weekend cycling activity, there usually won't be a bigger running activity. I don't consider 10K as a big running activity.

    4. IMO, there should always be a 5K, 10K, and 15K run every month. Casual runners can do for the first or first two, and those up for the challenge should go for the longest.

  7. Has anyone verified whether or not you can have multiple countries BEFORE the last day?

    1. Multiple countries? You can only have one country set at a time.

  8. Nah what i mean is i was set to Japan from the 1st to the 7th... guess we'll see overnight. I reset to Canada after the lantern festival badge.... (like a dolt.)

    1. You can switch countries during the month without losing the step streak for the Disney challenge if that is what you are asking about.

  9. Hi everyone, the Darth Vader badge hasn't worked for a few days (changed with Fittools), although the activity is displayed with the watch in Garmin Connect, have you had similar experiences?

  10. Good morning, any news from BBVA Mexico City Half Marathon 2023 badge? It seems they are late with that.

    1. Nothing yet. It should come today if it comes. Garmin has never released a badge during the weekend.

    2. If it ever appears, chnage of country doesn't help. Is that right?

    3. Yes. Country change will most likely not work.

    4. I found the BBVA Mexico City Half Marathon 2023, but I had to switch country to Mexico. It could mean that it will work if you change country to Mexico. It could also mean that you need to do both: change country and run the correct course. We've seen that requirement once before.

    5. I think you need to run the actual course - I changed country to Mexico and did a half marathon and that didn't work.

    6. I do confirm the actual course must be run

  11. It would be nice if the calendar event could include point for the badge or challenge
    and the href to the image of the badge 👍

    1. The point is easy to add. I'm not sure how it will look with a link to the image. Maybe I can link the title to the page with the badge. I will see what I can do.

    2. Points are now added to the calendar events.

    3. Links to the badges are now added. The link will go to a page that shows a single badge. If you want the image you can click on the image in that page. It will link you to the image at Garmin Connect.

  12. Adding points is a very good idea. Image of the badge is not mandatory anyway!

  13. In "My challenges" it would be nice to be able to see the status of repeatable ones already acquired, such as "10K a Day Challenge" or "60-Day Goal Getter"

    1. I've done some testing and they can't be included into the challenges page since they don't have start dates from when the last cycle started. The start date for them are from when they were added to Garmin Connect.

      I will see if I can add the progress in some other way. It is possible to fetch that data so it can be added to the site in some way.

  14. Can someone help me with BBVA Mexico badge? Any tcx or fit file?


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