March 2023 - Another 4 km of swimming and two new diving badges

Join the March challenges now in Garmin Connect!

New in this month: Expeditions? More below. What we have is another month with 4 km of swimming. That was the new challenge in February that we see again in March. There are two new standard badges for diving. We don't know when they will be public but they are on the way. We are also waiting for the next Tacx challenge. We have only seen the first which was Alpine Classic.


There is something new coming that I'm not sure what it is about. I will just post the text:

This expedition does not have a time limit. Your hike will be completed when you fulfill the required steps for the expedition.

This expedition does not have a time limit. Your climb will be completed when you fulfill the required floors climbed for the expedition.

You may start or end an expedition at any time. By ending an expedition, you will lose all progress made. It cannot be counted toward completion of another expedition. You can participate in one hiking or one climbing expedition at a time.

Once you have started an expedition, make sure to sync your device within 90 days of recording any steps or floors climbed in order for your data to count toward your progress.

What I see: First is called "hike" and it uses steps for measurement. Second is called "climb" and uses floors climbed for measurement. You can do one expedition at a time. 

Three month challenges - Stage 1

Last month in stage 1

Full month challenges

March 15K
Join this challenge and record a 15-kilometer running activity in March.

March Tour
Join this challenge and record 400 kilometers of cycling activities in March.

March Warrior
Join this challenge and record a total of four hours of yoga activities in March.

Active March
Join this challenge and record 20 activities of at least 20 minutes each in March.

March Walking
Join this challenge and record 30 miles of walking activities in March.

March Swim
Join this challenge and record 4,000 meters of swimming activities in March.

March Rundown
Join this challenge and record 50 miles of running activities in March.

March Step Month
Join this challenge and record 300,000 steps in March.

March Gains
Join this challenge and record a total of four hours of strength activities in March.

Weekend and week challenges

Step into March
Join this challenge and record 100,000 steps from March 1-14. 

March Weekend 40K
Join this challenge and record a 40-kilometer cycling activity from March 3-5.

March Ride to 200
Join this challenge and record 200 kilometers of cycling activities from March 12-25.

March Weekend 5K
Join this challenge and record a 5-kilometer running activity from March 17-19.

Badges in March

  • March 8 - International Women's Day 2023, Record an activity on March 8, 2023.
  • March 8 - Noble Warrior Hero, Record an activity on International Women's Day (March 8) using your Captain Marvel watch, Repeatable

New Standard Badges

Two new badges for divers.

Beginning Diver
Record 10 dives.

Committed Diver
Record 100 dives.

Garmin Badge Database
Garmin Connect
Change country setting


  1. I am very interested to know what the expedition entries are going to be.

    1. There are between he Feb and March challenges on the page where you see the new badges first posted.

    2. Aha, now I see it. I use a script that reads that data and it couldn't handle that new type of text so I didn't see it.

    3. Non ho ben capito di cosa si tratta e di come si attivano queste spedizioni

    4. @Lorenz. The expeditions are not there yet. We just have to wait a little while longer before we understand what they are.

  2. If I join a badge challenge midway or late in month, will all my already completed activities applicable to that badge count? Or is it only activities after signing up to the badge?

    1. You can join late. Everything done before you join will count.

  3. Hey, e7andy - where do you find those badges before they appear in garmin connect? Thanks for the work you put in this site!

    1. Hi! I use the translations file for the badges. Garmin adds the translations before the badges and challenges are published.

  4. Thanks. Divers badges possible to get only with diving watches Garmin Descent Mk1/Mk2 ?

    1. Yes, but there is a trick to use. Use your Garmin watch and log a 1 second activity of any type. Save and sync. Edit the activity in Garmin Connect, changing the type to the dive activity type, set correct date and time, enter all dive data. Now you got a dive recorded.

    2. I've made almost fifty dives with mares watch, after that I created dive activities in Garmin Connect, till now I didn't receive any of diving badges.

    3. @Bartezzzzz. Did you create the activity with a Garmin watch like in the trick I wrote or did you create them manually? Manually created activities will not work.

  5. Come mai quando provo a modificare l'attività non trovo immersione

    1. Use the web if you want to change to a dive activity.

  6. Hello Andy, have to ask this- i ve lost 18 points when i went on to groups and have changed settings there (to be more visible to my friends and groups then earlier). Now, i ve tried to figure out what badges i have lost and i just not see it- only one is Goal badge (but the activities i did in order to won it are still there). What do you think?

    1. Hi! Have you changed country to get badges? If yes, you might have lost those country specific badges. To get them back you need to change the country setting again and do an update to the activity that awarded you with the badge.

    2. Not recently, and still got a many of the country specific badges so i can't remember or recognize if i lost some of them. Seems strange that i ve lost Goal badge (i ve got it from July 2021, earned in our Europe region) isn't it?
      And i ve forgoten to say that Garmin gave me (just before i lost those badges) a 3 badges again: Strong start, Trick or treat and Valentine badge...
      Thanks for your help

    3. I've lost the goal badge a couple of times.
      There is no history for the badges so it is hard to find out what badges you lost.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hallo Andi kann es sein das das Abzeichen für das Laufen von Januar bis März rausgenommen würde bei mir ist es weg hab nur das Radfahren merkwürdig

    1. Mir fehlt in der Anzeige das Laufabzeichen von Januar bis März Etappe 1 wurde das gelöscht?

    2. It is still there. Check the web if you the app isn't working as it should.

    3. Connect bekam gerade ein neues Update jetzt sehe ich es wieder 😉

  9. Women's day badge and the Tacx eleven cities badge are there.

  10. Looks like a huge April update, I think it will be easier to wait for your blog update. 😀

    1. Thanks. I've posted it now. Lots of expeditions.

  11. Also, Sharing is Caring now available.

  12. sorry if this was already answered but, how many meters are a floor?

    1. A floor is 10 feet/3 meters

    2. Thank you! also... have you noticed that if you get an expedition bagde and start the next expedition the very same day, those steps from that day count? that is making it easier for us to get the badges...

    3. Yes. We will get a good start on the next expedition.

  13. Hey All :) Do you think there will be a Paddy's day badge ?

    1. No. Badges are usually know 1-2 months before they are launched and there is none known for Paddy's day and it is tomorrow.


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