July 2022 badges - 400 km of biking...again

Garmin just pushed the descriptions for July challenges. Join them now in Garmin Connect.

Three month challenges - Stage 3

Stage 3 begins now.

2022 Running - Stage 3
Join this challenge and record 300 kilometers (186.5 miles) of running activities from July 1 to September 30.

2022 Walking - Stage 3
Join this challenge and record 91 miles (146.5 km) of walking activities from July 1 to September 30.

2022 Cycling - Stage 3
Join this challenge and record 675 kilometers (419.5 miles) of cycling activities from July 1 to September 30.

Full month challenges

July Gains
Join this challenge and record a total of four hours of strength activities in July.

July Hiking
Join this challenge and record a total of four hours of hiking activities in July.

July Tour
Join this challenge and record 400 kilometers of cycling activities in July.

Active July
Join this challenge and record 20 activities of at least 20 minutes each in July.

July Step Month
Join this challenge and record 300,000 steps in July.

July Rundown
Join this challenge and record 50 miles of running activities in July.

July Warrior
Join this challenge and record a total of four hours of yoga activities in July.

Weekend and week challenges

July Weekend 5K
Join this challenge and record a 5-kilometer running activity from July 1-3.

July Ride to 100
Join this challenge and record 100 kilometers of cycling activities from July 3-9.

July Weekend Walking
Join this challenge and record a 3-mile walking activity from July 8-10.

July Swim Week
Join this challenge and record 1,000 meters of swimming activities from July 17-23.

July Weekend 40K
Join this challenge and record a 40-kilometer cycling activity from July 29-31.

Other badges in July

  • No, You Move, Record an activity on Steve Rogers' birthday (July 4) using your First Avenger watch.
    • Date: July 4, 2022
    • Watch requirement: First Avenger watch
  • Tanabata Festival 2022, Record an activity on Tanabata Festival, July 7, 2022
    • Date: July 7, 2022
    • Country: Japan

Garmin Badge Database
Garmin Connect
Change country setting


  1. Hi Andy,
    July badges are very similar to those of June...

    1. Yeah, Garmin didn't work especially hard this time.

  2. Anyone else unable to see the Stage 3 Badges?

  3. I don't have them yet either

  4. They seem to also be skipping the weekend in the middle of the month for the past few months


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