February 2022 badges - Tacx Ride

Garmin just pushed the descriptions for February challenges. Join them now in Garmin Connect.

New in this month: Tacx Ride - Log your rides with the Tacx Training app, Lots of cycling this month

Three month challenges - Stage 1

Second month!

Full month challenges

Tacx Ride to 250
Join this challenge and record 250 kilometers (155.4 miles) of indoor cycling activities with the Tacx Training app in February.
February Rundown
Join this challenge and record 50 miles (80.5 km) of running activities in February.
February Step Month
Join this challenge and record 300,000 steps in February.
February Gains
Join this challenge and record a total of four hours of strength activities in February.
February Cycling Climb
Join this challenge and climb 10,000 feet (3048 m) in elevation during cycling activities in February.
February Warrior
Join this challenge and record a total of five hours of yoga activities in February.
February Walking
Join this challenge and record 30 miles (48.3 km) of walking activities in February.

Weekend and week challenges

Step into February
Join this challenge and record 100,000 steps from February 1-14.
February Weekend 40K
Join this challenge and record a 40-kilometer (24.9 miles) cycling activity from February 4-6.
February Weekend 5K
Join this challenge and record a 5-kilometer (3.2 miles) running activity from February 11-13.
February Ride to 200
Join this challenge and record 200 kilometers (124.3 miles) of cycling activities from February 13-26.
February Weekend Walking
Join this challenge and record a 3-mile (4.9 km) walking activity from February 18-20.

Other badges in February

  • Year of the Tiger, Record an activity on Chinese New Year, February 1
  • Be My Valentine, Record an activity on Valentine's Day, February 14, Repeatable
  • Share the Love, Share your Be My Valentine badge on the day you earn it, February 14
  • Light Up the Night, Record an activity on the day of the Lantern Festival, February 15, Country: Mainland China (中国大陆), Indonesia, India, Japan, Korea, Republic of, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam 


  • 2022-01-27 - Be My Valentine and Share the Love are now repeatable. This means that if you got an activity on February 14th a previous year you can get the badges for all those years. Remember to also share Be My Valentine after each time you get it to also get Share the Love.
  • 2022-01-31 - Added calculated distances for both imperial and metric system.
  • 2022-02-16 - Garmin removed the REPEATABLE for the Share the Love badge since it was possible to get it how many times you liked and that was exploited by many users.

Garmin Badge Database
Garmin Connect
Change country setting


  1. I really wish Garmin would get some better balance in the challenges for we people in the southern hemisphere. Be nice to see some swimming, given those hot, sweaty indoor tacx sessions we'll be doing down under

    On the plus side, I am appreciating a better balance in the quarterly challenges with the reduction in running and cycling km

  2. All my rides are outdoor, so log all rides as indoor cycling and change device to Tacx using fitfiletools until I reach 250km ? Not sure if I can be bothered.

    1. I will do it like that since I don't have a Tacx subscription. The device used is not that interesting to keep for the future so if it says Tacx for a month will not matter. It is some extra work...

    2. Thinking about it, there is not actually that much cycling if you use fitfilestools. 250km/155 miles is not a lot and most rides can count towards 3 challenge badges if you plan it correctly.

    3. FYI. I chsnged my lunch time MTB ride to Tacx and the stats appeared in the Tacx challenge, there was no need to change category from MTB to indoor cycling.

    4. I guess that fitfiletools hasn't added those watches for some unknown reason.
      I got those badges by manually editing the TCX files and replacing the ProductID in the Creator tag, but I don't think that TCX files will give you badges any longer. Garmin blocked that method.
      Rey got ProductID 3498, Darth Vader 3499, Captain Marvel 3500, First Avenger 3501.

    5. The TCX edit method works, although the behaviour is a bit unpredictable for 'hone your strength' and 'first avenger'.

  3. I can see in my available badges also Be My Valentine and Share the Love badges.

    1. Great. I will make an update as soon as I'm back from my morning ride.

  4. Do I need to change country settings (to Mainland China) to qualify for Year of the Tiger badge? Garmin Connect Sync seems to stop when I switch to Mainland China...

    1. No need to change country setting. The easiest way to check if you need to change country is to check the list of available badges in Garmin Connect. If you see the badge it is available with your current country setting.
      If a country change is needed I will write that in the blog post. You can also click the badge at https://garminbadges.com and any country requirements are listed under the badge.

  5. Are you sure that the Valentine badges are repeatable? I had them last year and cannot see them now. A friend with a new account does see them.

    1. Yes. I got them 5 times.
      Repeatable badges that you already have are not visible as available. They are found under "Earned". If you click the badge you will see the label "Repeatable".

    2. If you got it ones it is not in available badges any more.
      But text what I can see with this badge is "REPEATABLE"

    3. Ah, thanks!
      I checked it and see that I earned in 2020, I did some activities on February 14th 2021 and didn't get one that year.
      So it looks like it's repeatable for some and not repeatable for others.

    4. That happened to me last year as well. Edit last year's activity (eg change calories) and save. Then it should award it, then share it immediately and get that one again as well.

    5. @Corr, the Valentine's badges were not repeatable last year and Garmin didn't change the dates to 2021. To get the badge for 2021 you need to edit the activity in some way. I usually add 1 calorie and then save. To geth Share the Love you share the Be My Valentine badge in the app.

    6. It worked , thanks!
      Always happy as a child with an extra badge 😁

    7. Thanks for the advice, the Valentine's badge is at home. Kool :-)

    8. Yesterday I made my run activity to get the Valentine's badge. No problem with that, but when I share the badge I was not awarded with the "Share the love" badge. I did it like 5 times or so.
      Then I realize the "Share your love" badge seems not to be repeteable. I mean, when I get into the Valentine's badge it say "The limit is 250" and Repeteable, but there is no limit in the "Share your love" and no Repeteable label, which make me think the "Share your love" badge can be awarded more than one time the first time you obtain the Valentine's badge, but not every year.

      Do you agree?

    9. @Silcanson, Garmin removed the REPEATABLE from "Share the Love" badge yesterday. If you shared it early in the day it worked, but it was heavily exploited since you could share it how many times you liked.
      I saw that today. When I now fetched the new data from Garmin for that badge the repeatable was removed.

    10. That makes much more sense... thanks!

  6. Hey, I am wondering if you could add the distances in the descriptions in metric units as well? Garmin doesn't do it and it is a shame.

    1. I did a test in this post and converted all distances. They are all rounded up to one decimal. I don't know if it is a good idea...I might write the wrong distance and it is a good exercise to do the conversion yourself. You will know the converted distance after a few times.
      Converting to metric is easy since you just multiple the miles value with 1.61. The other way is a bit trickier to do in your head. Here is one method: Take half the distance and then quarter of that half, then add them and you get the distance in miles. Ex. 100 km => 50 + 12.5 = 62.5 miles.
      Use Google: "40 km in miles" or "50 miles in km" and google will give you the answer.

      I might or might not convert the values...we will see.

    2. You should check your conversion of the Climbing Badge. 30.4km is a lot.

    3. I was afraid of that. It is fixed. That was a pretty obvious one, but I can make errors that are harder to see.

  7. Bonjour, je ne vois pas le badge du 15 février: "illuminez la nuit" le jour des lanternes. Faut-il migrer vers un autre pays?

    1. Yes. You must use one of these countries: Mainland China (中国大陆), Indonesia, India, Japan, Korea, Republic of, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam

  8. Hi,
    can anyone with Garmin Rally Pedals confirm if they pair to the Tacx Training App?
    My Wahoo Kickr Core will certainly not. And as I was planning on buying a pair of Rally RK200 later this year, I might as well get them now and start getting to know them indoors.

    1. I don't have the Rally pedals but I did another test. I got Garmin Speed Sensor 2 and they connects to Tacx app and can be used as a virtual trainer. It records distance and uploads to Connect perfectly.

    2. Well I've got the same Sensor Pair but with the Wahoo Kickr Core the Speed Sensor is mounted to the Rear Wheel leaning against the Wall as there isn't much of a space to mount the Sensor to the Kickr.

      So I was hoping to achieve the same result with Power Meter Pedals giving Power/Cadence so Tacx might be able to calculate/interpolate the rest (speed) based on my FTP and the gradient/simulated headwind

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hey guys. Today I reached level 6. Can you confirm this?

    1. Yes. I'm also level 6 now. Level 7 is at 1260 points. The new max level is 10.

  11. I'm curious because I was told that the levels were only 5 ...

    1. It just changed. 5 new levels released.

    2. It seems to be only partly implemented. I am now level 7 (1272 point) but it says max level reached in the web version of connect and 1268 pts to next level in the iPhone app. I assume each level continues to be about double the previous? Which would mean level 8 would be 2520ish, level 9 would be 5040ish and level 10 would be 10,080 (or maybe they round these to 2500, 5000, 10000). Either way they are going to take a very long time to get unless you have the Legacy watches and regularly run marathons in training!

  12. A consistent "points required to reach level x" could be: sum of 10*2^(n-1) for n from 2 to level. This would give: level 2 = 10*2^1 = 20; level 3 = 10*2^1 + 10*2^2 = 20 + 40 = 60, level 4 = 20 + 40 + 80 = 140, level 5 = 300, level 6 = 620, level 7 = 1260, level 8 = 2540, level 9 = 5100 and level 10 = 10220


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