January 2022 badges - A new year with 4 new stages


Garmin just pushed the descriptions for January challenges. Join them soon in Garmin Connect.

New in this month: Cardio and 4 new stages for the 3 challenges for Cycling, Walking and Running! A little easier this time with shorter biking and running.

Three month challenges - Stage 1

2022 Cycling – Stage 1
Join this challenge and record 675 kilometres of cycling activities from January 1 to March 31.
2022 Walking – Stage 1
Join this challenge and record 91 miles of walking activities from January 1 to March 31.
2022 Running – Stage 1
Join this challenge and record 300 kilometers of running activities from January 1 to March 31.

Full month challenges

January Cardio
Join this challenge and record 4 hours of cardio activities from January 1-31.
January Rundown
Join this challenge and record 50 miles of running activities from January 1-31.
January Step Month
Join this challenge and record 300,000 total steps from January 1-31.
January Gains
Join this challenge and record 4 hours of strength activities from January 1-31.

Weekend and week challenges

Step into 2022
Join this challenge and record 100,000 total steps from January 1-14.
January Weekend Walking
Join this challenge and complete a 3-mile walk from January 7-9.
January Swim Week
Join this challenge and record 1,000 meters of swimming activities from January 9-15.
January Ride to 200
Join this challenge and record 200 kilometres of cycling activities from January 16-29.
January Weekend 5K
Join this challenge and complete a 5-kilometre run from January 21-23.

Other badges in January

  • Strong Start, Record an activity on New Year's Day, January 1, Repeatable
  • Chinese New Year's Eve, Record an activity on Chinese New Year’s Eve, January 31

New standard badges

  • First Tacx Ride, Record your first activity using the Tacx Training app
  • The first day in February there is a new badge for the Chinese New Year:
    • Year of the Tiger, Record an activity on Chinese New Year, February 1, 2022.


  • 2021-12-29 - Added new standard badge "First Tacx Ride" and a new limited time badge for the Chinese New Year "Year of the Tiger".
  • 2021-02-12 - Added badge "Chinese New Year's Eve". 

Garmin Badge Database
Garmin Connect
Change country setting


  1. Not sure why they’ve made the stage 4 badges easier. They were a good challenge and rewarded consistency.

    Will HIIT count as cardio?

    1. as "HIIT" is a completely different "sport" on the watch I highly doubt it

    2. As a cyclist, I agree, I thought the c500 miles per quarter was a well balanced challenge.

    3. My guess is that Garmin saw that not many people managed to do or maybe not even joined the staged running and biking challenges so they made those two a little shorter. The walking one was more ok. More people joined and completed that one.
      I was hoping they would skip the stages and just do full year challenges.
      I also guess that most people that managed to do the run and bike challenges still would do the distance no matter if there were a challenge or not.

      Cardio must likely be of type Cardio.

    4. I'm thinking that they lighten the load for cycling (distance and ascent) respective to the northern winter.

  2. I am wondering why there is no yoga badge anymore, do you think Cardio would replace yoga all year long ?

    1. Hard to say. There has been 4 warrior challenges in the past 6 months and 4 namaste in the past 9 months. So there isn't yoga every month. We don't know what will happen next month.
      I think there are only 2 challenges that come every month since August 2020: Step month and Rundown.

    2. I only got my Garmin in May, so I guess I thought the yoga challenges were regulars :) I'll keep doing yoga without my pretty badges then :)

  3. Hi e7andy, i was looking at the Badge Count list and it shows the top two individuals, but it is wrong. The second individual clearly has more badges, then the first individual. But he is in second place. I notice this glitch several times before. Is this glitch normal?

    1. Yes. I've noticed. That occurs when the user add badges multiple times while the badges are being added. I haven't had time to fix it yet. The next time the user add badges it will be fixed... unless he add them twice again.

    2. Oh,ok! Thank You, for quick response.

  4. Just noticed two new badges; Tacx Training app and Chinese New Year (Feb 1st).

    1. Thanks! I made an update to the blog post mentioning those two badges.

  5. Why the yoga badge 'warrior' is not anymore available? It was the only one in which I was interested in. This is absolutely a shame.

    1. Warrior challenge started in July and August and has after that only been every second month so it is more likely it will be back next month if Garmin follows the pattern.

  6. First Tacx Ride bade is now available for activities from 1st Jan 2022.

    1. Great! Thanks. It is now added to the site.

    2. If your trainer isn't compatible with TacX - then use Fit File tools to change device to TacX

    3. It worked great to use Fit File Tools Device changer to set the Tacx app as the device. It even worked for activities created before the launch of the badge (2022-01-01).

    4. I don't have Tacx trainer. I just tried connect my speed sensor Magene to Tacx app, and it looks like it is working and measuring speed and distance. I think this solution may work for the badge.

    5. Worked great after setting the manufacturer to TacX. Will this work for the various Captain Marvel, First avenger type badges? I don't see a matching device in the fit file tools.

    6. It will work for the marvel and star wars badges as well but you will need a way to add the correct device. Maybe talk to the developer of Fit File tools.

    7. Gotoes has those watches as options if you donate to get premium versions

    8. Thanks e7andy & dmmac. I was able to manually edited the ID in tcx format and it also worked.

    9. I tried to change the device with Gotoes (to captain marvel) and loaded the file in TCX. The activity is correctly recorded in GC, with the good watch on the right, but I didn't get the related badge?
      Any idea on that

    10. It worked with tcx files for over a year ago but I think it was removed for badges.

    11. thank you Andy...So I will need to go to fit file?

    12. It will work with a fit file. I can't tell for sure it will not work with tcx since I haven't tested that recently.

  7. What locations is the Year of the Tiger badge Ava in?

    1. It will likely be available in all countries like the previous badges for the Chinese new year.

  8. Added Light Up the Night and Chinese New Year's Eve badges

    1. Thanks. Updated the dates in the database.

    2. I didn’t see the Chinese new year’s Eve badge in mine list of available. The light up the night badge I do see in mine list. Country settings is mainland China. Do more people have the same problem?

    3. I see the Chinese new year’s Eve badge in my list of available badges. The country settings doesn't matter.
      Check that you haven't already got it. It isn't repeatable.

    4. Thanks e7andy for your respons that’s the answer i allready earned the Chinese New years eve badge i thought it was repeatable like strong finish. Thanks e7andy for solve the mysterie ;-)

    5. Correction. I can see Chinese new year’s Eve badge in my list of available badges, but I cannot see Year of the Tiger there.

    6. Year of the Tiger is not public yet.

  9. February is up, with loads of cycling. Climbing plus distance, plus a 250km tacx challenge

    1. Great. Thank you! I've now published a post for February.


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