November 2021 badges - It’s marathon season! Celebrate the major races.

The November challenges are now known. Join them soon in Garmin Connect.

New in this month: 10000 feet bike climb...a bit new. A more sane ascent to climb.

Three month challenges - Stage 4

2021 Running - Stage 4
Join this challenge and record 506 kilometers (314.4 miles) of running activities from October 1 to December 31.

2021 Walking - Stage 4
Join this challenge and record 92 miles (148 km) of walking activities from October 1 to December 31.

2021 Cycling - Stage 4
Join this challenge and record 506 miles (814.3 km) of cycling activities from October 1 to December 31.

Full month challenges

November Rundown
Join this challenge and record 50 miles of running activities in November.
November Cycling Climb
Join this challenge and climb 10,000 feet in elevation during cycling activities in November.
November Step Month
Join this challenge and record 300,000 steps in November.
November Marathon Shuffle
Join this challenge and record 26.2 miles of walking activities in November.

Weekend and week challenges

November Namaste
Join this challenge and record a total of 60 minutes of yoga activities from November 1-7.
Step Into November
Join this challenge and record 100,000 steps from November 1-14.
November Marathon Sprint
Join this challenge and record 26.2 miles of running activities from November 1-21.
November Ride to 100
Join this challenge and record 100 kilometers of cycling activities from November 21-27.
November Weekend 10K
Join this challenge and record a 10-kilometer running activity from November 26-28.
November Weekend Walking
Join this challenge and record a 3-mile walking activity from November 26-28.

Other badges in November

  • Garmin Olathe Marathon Full 2021, Run the Garmin Olathe Marathon full marathon in Olathe, Kansas, on November 6, 2021.
  • Garmin Olathe Marathon Half 2021, Run the Garmin Olathe Marathon half marathon in Olathe, Kansas, on November 6, 2021.
  • Garmin Olathe Marathon 10K 2021, Run the Garmin Olathe Marathon 10K in Olathe, Kansas, on November 6, 2021.
  • Loy Krathong, Record an activity on Loy Krathong, November 19, country Thailand
  • Thanksgiving, Record an activity on Thanksgiving, November 25, country: Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, United States
  • Thanksgiving, Record an activity and burn 300 calories on Thanksgiving, November 25, country: Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, United States

Web site updates

  • A warning popup is added to the username field to inform users that the username will be publicly displayed so avoid using email address as username. If you like to change your username to something else send me an email: 
  • The values in the Unit column in the challenge page are updated to tell the correct unit and format. Time is in format "hh:mm:ss" (previously "seconds") and distance is "km" (previously "mi_km"). The previous values are the ones that Garmin got in their database.

Garmin Badge Database
Garmin Connect
Change country setting


  1. Bonjour, est-ce qu'on pourra avoir les deux badges de Thanksgiving dans un seul pays?

    1. The Thanksgiving badges are non repeatable badges. You can take them only once. To get them you need to change the country to one of the listed countries.

    2. Merci Andy, je me suis mal exprimé, je faisais référence au badge 1 une activité le 31 octobre puis au badge le même jour avec une consommation de 300 calories, ça fait deux badges, non? Je reste virtuellement en Corée jusqu'au badges de Thanksgiving avant de faire idem au Japon puis en Chine avant de rentrer en Europe (ou peut-être la Thaïlande pour le badge de novembre)

    3. Thanksgiving got two badges. You can take both with the same activity. They are on November 25.
      On October 31 there are 5 badges. 4 in different countries and one for sharing one of those.

  2. As usual, Garmin catering for the northern hemisphere. No swimming and generally very easy month, right when us southerners are out in the sunshine enjoying springtime

    1. Yeah overall seems very easy this month.

      Hopefully saving it all for a monstrous Christmas period!

  3. Strange that the distance cycling, running and walking badges are loaded onto the weekend of 27/8th instead of being spread around as normal. Maybe it shows again Garmin’s US focus. That said I’ll be travelling/quarantining til the 25th so it suits me just fine!

  4. Loy Krathong badge is non repeatable, right?

  5. Any chance we'll get more swim badges anytime soon?

    1. Garmin doesn't reveal anything about the future plans for badges so no idea.

  6. Hi, could you explain to me how I can "virtually" register the activity in different regions / states (usa / china / etc.)?
    Thank you....

    1. You click the link "Change Country Setting": and change to the country you would like to use. Then log or update an activity. The selected country will be used when the activity is evaluated for any badges.

  7. I notice Garmin have now listed a winter solstice activity badge. Strange how they randomly do this but none for the summer one or the equinoxes.

    1. They hadn't come up with the idea to add it until now.

    2. sounds cool. where is the badge listed?

    3. Garmin just removed it so we will see if it comes back closer to December.

  8. hi, what about hiit badge!? i have only hiit badge for 1 activity.
    Did a lot of hiit activities but one year ago, at 2020. It doesn't recognizes them so i dont have hiit badge for 25 nor 50. tried to go back and change the names of those activities but still nothing. I understand that hiit badge came out at May 25th, but still... assumed that is possible to count it retroactively.

    1. You can check the availability dates in the site:
      Click the badge you are interested in and you will see when dates. For the HIIT badges it says: "Available since 2021-06-01". Activities before that date do not count.

    2. thanks for your answer, i was killing myself to change every hiit activity one by one and could not find solution! at least now i know!all the best to you from croatia

  9. Hello,
    but is the "Garmin Olathe Marathon 10K 2021, Run the Garmin Olathe Marathon 10K in Olathe, Kansas, on November 6, 2021" badge a challenge? because I can't find how to participate ...

    1. It is a standard badge that everyone can see.

  10. hello, Saturday 6.112021 I participated in "Garmin Olathe Marathon 10K 2021, Run the Garmin Olathe Marathon 10K in Olathe, Kansas" first I changed my profile to USA, but I did not receive the badge .. did I do something wrong?

    1. You must run the actual course on the right day. The country setting has no effect.

    2. ... so it cannot be a "virtual race" but a real one...

    3. It will work if you run the actual course virtually, but I don't think any device supports virtual running like you can do with virtual cycling.

    4. I think that using Rouvy might do the trick. You can download the routes (cycling and running) and then run them virtually. Running using virtual running. You will then then to add your device to the FIT file and upload to Garmin. IT would be great if we could all share the route files for the older badges.

  11. Hope Garmin list the December badges soon and excited to see what they do. Hoping for another 12 Days of Fitness set. Getting them all done in a month where I’ll be moving country + the usual Christmas and New Years Eve shenanigans will take some planning.

  12. Bonjour, j espère aussi avoir la liste des défis de décembre mais surtout la liste des badges obtenus à l étranger. Bien à vous.

  13. Still no December challenges listed by garmin! What are they doing?

  14. It would be great if they finally came out with 1 or 2 Christmas badges for once.

  15. I’m so curious what the challenge are I hope they do lot of challenges with Christmas and old/new year! I’m anxiously waiting

  16. Finally the meta data for the badges are up!

    1. Which meta data? Where could we check it, please?

    2. It is found here:

      I will post the new challenges very very soon.

    3. New post about December challenges and badges is posted!


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