October 2021 badges - Stage 4 is starting

October challenges. Join them now in Garmin Connect!

Three month challenges - Stage 4

We are finally starting the last stage for this year.

2021 Running - Stage 4
Join this challenge and record 506 kilometers (314.4 miles) of running activities from October 1 to December 31.

2021 Walking - Stage 4
Join this challenge and record 92 miles (148 km) of walking activities from October 1 to December 31.

2021 Cycling - Stage 4
Join this challenge and record 506 miles (814.3 km) of cycling activities from October 1 to December 31.

Full month challenges

October Joy Rides
Join this challenge and record 250 kilometers of cycling activities in October.
October Gains
Join this challenge and record a total of four hours of strength activities in October.
October Warrior
Join this challenge and record a total of five hours of yoga activities in October.
October Rundown
Join this challenge and record 50 miles of running activities in October.
October Step Month
Join this challenge and record 300,000 steps in October.

Weekend and week challenges

October Weekend 40K
Join this challenge and record a 40-kilometer cycling activity from October 8-10.
October Weekend 5K
Join this challenge and record a 5-kilometer running activity from October 15-17.
October Ride to 100
Join this challenge and record 100 kilometers of cycling activities from October 17-23.
Halloween Walking
Join this challenge and record a 3-mile walking activity from October 29-31.

Other badges in October

  • Garmin Ride In 2021, Record a 1-hour indoor cycling activity on October 7, 2021, as part of the Ride In for Action Medical Research event. Country: United Kingdom
  • Garmin Ride Out 2021, Ride the Garmin Ride Out for Action Medical Research in the New Forest, United Kingdom, 50 miles road or 30 miles gravel, on October 8, 2021. Country: United Kingdom, GPS Locked
  • Hangul Day, Record an activity on Hangul Day, October 9. Country: Korea, Republic of
  • Garmin KC Half Marathon 2021, Run the Garmin Kansas City Half Marathon in Kansas City, Missouri, on October 16, 2021, GPS Locked
  • Garmin KC Marathon 2021, Run the Garmin Kansas City Marathon in Kansas City, Missouri, on October 16, 2021, GPS Locked
  • Garmin KC Marathon 10K 2021, Run the Garmin Kansas City Marathon 10K in Kansas City, Missouri, on October 16, 2021, GPS Locked
  • Garmin KC Marathon 5K 2021, Run the Garmin Kansas City Marathon 5K in Kansas City, Missouri, on October 16, 2021, GPS Locked
  • Trick or Treat, Record an activity on Halloween, October 31. There are four badges with different country settings (do 4 activities that day to take them all): 1. International (any other country than the ones listed for the badge), 2. China, Taiwan, 3. Japan, 4. Republic of Korea. It is Repeatable.
  • Share the Scare, Share your Trick or Treat badge on the day you earn it, usually October 31. Repeatable.

Garmin Badge Database
Garmin Connect
Change country setting


  1. Thank you. Kind of odd for October. Less challange than other recent months. No swimming which had become a regular. All feels strange so i took a look at the detail and there are some odd rules behind rhe scenes.
    I will send you a screenshot

  2. Catering for the northern hemisphere as usual, but hey, that's life. No swimming but indoor rides as we hit Aussie summer!

  3. How do I share your Trick or Treat badge?

    1. View the Trick or Treat badge in the app and click the share button.

    2. To share the Trick or Treat badge. Send it to and from yourself though your email.

  4. Are you sure the ‘rest of world’ Trick or Treat is repeatable? I ask because I did it last year and it doesn’t appear in my Available badges unless I change country to China/Korea/Japan (where it also shows as repeatable). Share the Scare is showing as repeatable.

    There’s also a Hangul Day badge (Korea) for 9 Oct.

    1. I’ve answered my own question… Repeatable badges already Earned don’t show as Avalable…

    2. I missed that Hangul Day is available. It is now added. Thanks!

    3. How do you change countries?

    4. There is a link in the end of every post: https://www.garmin.com/account/profile/

  5. Found this on the AMR official site: https://action.org.uk/events/cycling/garmin-ride Simply log your ride with your Garmin device or Garmin Connect app during the times outlined to receive your badge. ​​​​​

    Ride In - Any indoor rides in the UK and Ireland that lasts an hour during the allotted timeframe (7th October, 5pm- 8pm GMT) earn the badge. If you drop at 59 minutes you won’t receive your badge.
    Ride Out - Ride 50 miles – Join us at St. Giles House and log your ride to earn the exclusive Garmin Ride Out Badge. Unfortunately this is a UK and Ireland territory only badge, so you'll only receive it if you are connected in the UK and Ireland.​​​​​​​

    Summary: Country UK, Ride In badge is time specific (strange they quote GMT when UK time is BST until late October) Ride Out; UK and may also be time specific (ie edit event to start when the event starts) no idea if tied to event gps co-ords, but the wording implies not.

    1. Great info.
      Country: UK or Ireland
      Ride In: 60 minutes indoor, Oct 7
      Ride Out: 50 miles outdoor, Oct 8

      Last year the time for the Ride In badge was irrelevant.

  6. Hi Andy,
    I've seen that there's a new 30km gravel ride; does it go for a specific badge?

    1. According to this site https://action.org.uk/events/cycling/garmin-ride you should get the Ride Out badge for 50 miles road bike or 30 miles gravel.

  7. Regarding ride out badge - it’s on friday, which is a bit tricky. Do you think it would work if I start the biking activity on 8th and pause it immediately, and the on the next morning (Saturday)I resume the activity and bike the 50 miles.

    1. That probably works. It will also work if you do a ride on Saturday and then move it to Friday.

  8. ciao a tutti, scusate ma sapete dirmi quanti livelli di punteggi Badge ci sono ? io sono arrivato al n.4 ed avrei ancora 160 punti per raggiungere il n.5 ma poi quanti altri livelli ci sono ?

    1. It is just 5. You get to level 5 at 300 points.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. thanks, it would take a final prize ... :-)

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Bonsoir, est-ce qu'on peut partager le badge ' Trick or treat' avec une seule personne ou avec la liste de ses contacts?

    1. You just have to click the share button and leave the Connect app to get the badge. You don't actually have to share the badge.
      I usually share it with the email app and then never send the email.

  10. Badges are up, based on description Ride In is date but not time specific, Ride Out is probably GPS based. I have an activity in August c20 miles away from the New Forest that I will edit the date of when the time comes to see if it is near enough and will report back.

    1. Great! Database is updated with all new badges.
      I also removed Ireland from the Ride In badge since it was not visible with that country.

  11. trick or treat badge. Does this mean you can do 4 activities on the 31'st changing the country for each one to get 4 badges?

    I have yet to get one so I'm focused this year.

    1. Yes. That is correct. I did that last year. Worked perfectly.

    2. Bonjour, je ne vois pas la marche d halloween de 3 miles. C'est dans quel pays ?

    3. The challenge for Halloween 3 miles hasn't been released yet. It is for all countries.

  12. Action website is saying the Ride Out is canceled due to lack of fuel for support vehicles.

    1. Ok. It will probably not affect the badge. I will still ride 30 miles Gravel.

  13. I edited a 40mile gravel ride that I did in August, that was c20 miles from where the Ride Out Event would have taken place, and the RO Badge did not appear. This implies the Badge is dependent on GPS coords.

    1. I posted this on the 8th Oct, UK time.

    2. Too bad. I also did a test now with the same disappointing result.
      If you read the description for the badge more carefully than I've done before you see that it tells us that you need to be at the location:
      "in the New Forest, United Kingdom". The Ride out badge from 2020 didn't mention any specific location in UK.

    3. Ride Out 2020 was cancelled due to covid so they removed the gps requirement, as this event has also been cancelled I am hoping they do likewise. It might be worth checking again in a day or two.

    4. Good point! I have a ride planned for today and was considiring skipping it due to this, but it is better to do it and hope for a change from Garmin.
      It is never a waste to go for a ride. Got great weather today :-)

    5. I see one user has managed to get this badge. Anyone know how?

    6. Yes. Do a virtual ride with the right course and then change the activity type to road cycling or gravel.
      Road - https://connect.garmin.com/modern/course/73256437
      Gravel - https://connect.garmin.com/modern/course/73255864

    7. Thanks - is there a way of changing an existing ride of the correct length to that course?

    8. also those links are fantastic - do you have them for any of the other historic cycling or running routes? Or how do I find those?

    9. The routes are published here https://action.org.uk/events/cycling/garmin-ride#routes

      I haven't searched for any more routes but it is likely that you can find some routes in Connect.

      I don't have any method for changing an activity to a route afterwards. It is easier to ride again and switch activities.

  14. Hangul badge didn't post to my account as earned. Country is ROK. Did 3 activities. Any suggestions?

  15. Check to see if you got the Hangul Day badge before in 2020. This badge is not repeatable. I hope this helps.

  16. Can anyone already see the October Weekend 5K Badge ?

    1. Not yet. They usually come latest two days a head of the challenge.

  17. Does anyone know if the KC Half Marathon Badge is GPS locked, or if I'll be able to get it by changing my location to the United States?

    1. The country doesn't seem to matter. The badges are visible with all country settings.
      It is very likely to be GPS locked. All previous badges of that kind have been.

  18. November's challenges are posted.

    1. Garmin was really early this time and posted the November challenges on the 12th. I will soon make a post about them but I think it is a little bit early.

    2. What are the November challenges? Where can we see them?

  19. I’m curious and excited what kind of challenges we can except in november 😀

    1. Garmin was really early this time and posted the November challenges on the 12th. I will soon make a post about them but I think it is a little bit early.

  20. Bonjour, je ne parviens pas à obtenir le badge 'Grande Amélioration' 5 training effect aérobie niveau 4), j'utilise Garmin Vivoactive 4. Quelqu'un aurait une solution?

    1. Vivoactive 4 doesn't have training effect so you can't get that badge with that watch.

    2. Merci pour la réponse, bonne journée

  21. There is something odd about the comments in the blog. I've written several replies but they are not displayed. I don't know if you also got this issue. No idea if the issue is on Blogger's or on my side.
    As the blog owner I still get a message about every message so I see them but maybe not in the comments section...

    Anyway. The November badges are now published in a separate post.

    1. Hi Andy - they don't display automatically for me either, but there is a little "load more" hyperlink that then displays the missing posts.

    2. Thanks. Now I found it. All comments loaded. I haven't seen that before.


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