May 2021 badges - New Strength training challenge

Garmin just published the May challenges. Join them now in Garmin Connect.

New in this month: "Gains" - Strength training

Three month challenges - Stage 2

The three month challenges in stage 2 continues into the second month
Plan to do at least a third of the distance each month to not fall behind. It will be really hard to catch up if you take it too easy in the beginning.

Full month challenges

May Joy Rides
Join this challenge and record 250 kilometers of cycling activities in May.
May Step Month
Join this challenge and record 300,000 steps in May.
May Rundown
Join this challenge and record 50 miles of running activities in May.
May Walking
Join this challenge and record 30 miles of walking activities in May.
May Gains
Join this challenge and record a total of five hours of strength activities in May.

Weekend and week challenges

May Namaste
Join this challenge and record a total of 60 minutes of yoga activities from May 1-7.
May Weekend Walking
Join this challenge and record a 3-mile walking activity from May 7-9.
May Weekend 40K
Join this challenge and record a 40-kilometer cycling activity from May 7-9.
May Weekend 10K
Join this challenge and record a 10-kilometer running activity from May 14-16.
May Ride to 200
Join this challenge and record 200 kilometers of cycling activities from May 16-29.

Other badges in May

  • Golden Week April 29 to May 5 - Three badges. One was in April and the other two are in May. Do an activity May 1-3 and another one in May 4-6. Country: Japan. Note that the description from Garmin got the wrong year so we will most likely see an update to that.
  • International Workers' Day - Do an activity May 1st. Country: Indonesia, India, Japan, Thailand, Taiwan.
  • Light. Darkness. A Balance. - If you got a Rey Watch you will get the badge on May 4 for any activity.
  • Impressive. Most Impressive. - If you got a Darth Vader Watch you will get the badge on May 4 for any activity.

Web site updates

Garmin Badge Database
Garmin Connect
Change country setting


  1. Love your work and drop by every new month to see what Garmin has in store for us. Looks like a busy month ahead. Am guessing the International Workers and Golden Week are not repeatable?

    1. Thank you!
      They are not repeatable. I've double checked so Garmin hasn't changed that at.

  2. It's great to see a strength badge again. But what a shame they've decided not to offer a swimming badge. I was really hopeful after April that they'd start a collection of them, including monthly and permanent ones.

  3. Hi Andy,
    Would it be possible to add another column with the ranking to "Badge Count" and "Badge Points"?
    Just to see at a first glance where I am now after I have updated my badge data... now I have to count from the top (or at least try to ;-)).

    Again, thanks for your work, 5 stars!

    Best regards,

  4. "May gains" doesn't work. It makes shut down the app.

    1. Ok. It works on my Android phone. If you can't join it in the app then use the web to join it.

  5. Does anyone know if the Slipstream badge looks at any 40km section of your ride - or just the first 40km?

    1. I would suggest that Connect just wants to see a cycling activity with distance >40km and average speed >40kph. Average speed is probably based on total time ie not moving average. The only way my MTB is going to get this badge is if I put it in my towball rack and drive 40kms. :)

    2. I also believe that it is done like that. I did a test with a dummy activity and as long as the distance was >= 40 km and avg speed >= 40 km/h I got the badge. The actual data in the activity didn't matter.

    3. Unfortunately I don’t have that badge to give a fact-based answer, but it would be possible that it does use the fastest 40 km part of a cycling activity, because isn’t that how they determine your 40 km personal record: the shortest time you every needed to bike 40 km as any part of a cycling activity? If that time is less than 1 hour: voila!
      I bet that Garmin doesn’t publish the underlying code?

    4. The personsal record for 40 km is like that so it could very much be that Slipstream badge is determined in the same way.
      My Slipstream activtity is 50 km in 1 h 4 minutes (46.6 km/h average speed) and the same activity is used for my 40 km personal record but with the time 49:37 and average speed 48.4 km/h.

    5. From Garmin: What Are the Requirements to Earn the Slipstream Badge in Garmin Connect?

      The requirement to earn the Slipstream bade in Garmin Connect is to ride 40 Kilometers in one hour or less. Note that the speed of the activity must maintain at or above 40 Kilometers per hour for the entirety of the activity.

    6. Not sure it helps, but that is the official description. The implication is that it is not segment based like PR.

    7. Thanks. Odd that you can't go below 40 km/h. I don't think that is true. I was below 40 km/h when I took the badge. The whole activity was 1 h 4 min. I was below 40 km/h the first 30 seconds, then again after 12 minutes, 35 minutes, 41 minutes and 53 minutes for just a few seconds. After 57 minutes I was below 40 km/h for 90 seconds and the last minute was below 40 as well.

    8. Just got the badge. Average speed of 40.5km - frequently below 40km - so I think the description is wrong!

    9. It is just bad wording in the note, they are just trying to reinforce that the average (which has been missed out) speed of the activity must be 40kph or above, irrespective of the length of the activity. ie as my comments.

  6. Hi. Can it be that the golden week isn't repeatable? I got it last year but not this year.

    1. They are not repeatable so you can't get them again.

  7. Golden Week and Workers Day Badges seem to be Badges, which only can be earned once.

    1. Yes. They are not repeatable. Easiest way is to use my site ( and check for the circular arrow or just click the badge.
      All repeatable badges got a label with the text "REPEATABLE". The badges in Garmin Connect got the same label.
      If you used the function "Add your badges" at my site you will see exactly what badges you can take next. At the top of your earned badges you will see all repeatable badges.

  8. Andy, have you checked the jscript page ?

    1. Which jscript page? I'm not aware of any. Tell me more.

    2. The badges one. June is up along with some events, still reading at the moment.

    3. Wow! That was early! I got a script that checks that page every 24 hours and that is in the evening. I will make a post about it a little later. Thanks for the notice!

    4. I don't believe it is possible in any easy way to do it without being at the location of the race. Earlier you could use a TCX file with the course and add your own data to it and then import it, but TCX files longer count for badges. It will probably work if you get a FIT file with the race and add your own data and make sure it is created by a Garmin device.

    5. Just found that the courses are in Garmin Connect, so I will download a course (probably the 50m one) and do a 50m rideon the day with the course loaded, category set to gravel, country to US and see what happens.

    6. Good luck! The only issue I see with that is that you still will be logging your position at your real location even if everything else is correct. The last part is to take the course, transform that into an activity with your own data (except the location) and make it into a FIT file created by a Garmin device. I have no experience in manipulating FIT files so I can't help you there. I guess some day I will need to look into it.

  9. Course links are at Unbound website. FIT file for each course are also in Connect. No idea how to make this work, will have a play later but probably beyond my expertise.

    1. The good thing about these badges is that there is no hurry. You can always get them afterwards when you figure it out.
      My idea is that you take a course and do an activity with at least the same distance and then put both files into some software that will merge them and take your activity data (speed, heart rate etc.) and put that on the course and from that create a FIT file. It is probably lots of work to make it work, but not impossible.

    2. This site is great for editing FIT files (particularly useful for adding Garmin device to activities such as Zwift)

    3. I am aware of fitfiletools and will probably try to edit start and finish co-ords via csv. Be assured if I work it out I will share on here.


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