March 2021 badges - Enduro is a challenge badge in March!

All challenges published together with the images. Join them now in Garmin Connect. The Enduro badge is finally here. It is changed to a challenge badge and it will just be for March. Crazy short time to prepare for such a feat. Garmin has made some changes to the acces of data and I haven't fixed everything yet so everything will take a bit longer to get it up and running, but you can already now view all images and texts for the new challenges at Full month challenges Enduro Join this challenge and record 80 hours of running activities in March. March Step Month Join this challenge and record 300,000 steps in March. March Rundown Join this challenge and record 50 miles of running activities in March. March Joy Rides Join this challenge and record 250 kilometers of cycling activities in March. March 15K Join this challenge and record a 15-kilometer running activity in March. Weekend challenges March Weekend 5K Join this challenge and record a 5-kilo...